Chapter 2: The Incident

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"That movie was disgustingly cheesy." She gagged exiting the theatre stepping onto the street.

"It was cute!" Jimin protested following her, laughing at her reaction.

"Okay no, running through the airport? Where was the security!" She walked backwards arms thrown in the air.

"Why am I dating you again?" Jimin asked tilting his head to the side,

"Honestly I don't know. Should we break up?" She countered following his head tilt.

"That seems like a lot of effort." Jimin he spans her around to walk the right direction leaving his arm over her shoulders.

"Yeah, I agree." She nodded leaning her head on his shoulder. They continued on their way down the street joking about random topics enjoying their time together.

"Ice-cream?" Jimin offered to look at the still open ice-cream cart. She just nodded as Jimin left to cross the road as she waited for his return. Jimin stepped onto the road thinking it was quiet enough to just jog across until he was stopped by an oncoming truck. Blazing headlights blinding his vision, hearing the screams of his girlfriend to try to him to move. Then it all just went black.

Namjoon stepped onto the empty street checking the time of his phone before proceeding towards the parking lot. Where he'd left his car earlier that day. Humming the tune he had just been working on, bobbing his head along with it as the search for his keys in his pockets. Stopping to pat down his pockets before opening his bag to search through it. Groaning he turned around to go back to his office where his key is most likely.

"Seriously," Namjoon cursed jabbing the elevator button mentally insulting himself for leaving his keys on his desk. After collecting the keys from his desk went back down to the lobby, about going through the front doors as a pair of headlights threw themselves through the glass. Namjoon felt metal slam into his body and flying backwards into the ground.

"Oh Fuck oh fuck!" Someone yelled with a slam of a door, Namjoon groaned his vision going in and out of focus.

"Oh, shit are you okay?" The person asked before Namjoon passed out.

Seokjin stood at the bus stop rocking on the balls of his feet to entertain himself, one hand held the strap of his bag firmly the other holding his phone. He watched the bus turn onto the street, one step closer to being home. Thankfully for him, the restaurant wasn't closed tomorrow meaning he could sleep in. He stepped onto the bus greeting the driver before finding a seat, leaning his head against the glass window watching the buildings whizz around in a mess of lights as people got on and off. He greeted anyone who sat next to him in a friendly manner as usual. The bus stopped at an intersection waiting for the green light, Seokjin smiled, two more stops. The light turned green and the bus took off Seokjin continued looking out the window, as another car blazed their way towards the bus. Seokjin waiting for it to stop but it didn't, the large car smashed into the bus, Seokjin's head slammed into the glass as it shattered and the bus titled rolling onto its side throwing everyone out of their seat. Seokjin hearing the crunch of mental and glass piercing into his skin as his mind shut down.

Jungkook clutched the plastic bag tightly as he tried to escape the streets, wanting to reach home and get back to his essay that was due tomorrow morning. Quick steps dodging the few people on the street as he raced towards his dump of an apartment. It was all he could afford on his student budget, his parents offered money but he wants to be independent. He quickly scanned the street before deciding he could beat the oncoming car. Started a job across the street he made it halfway before hearing the screeching of wheels and feeling metal slam into his body. He head hit the metal hood before the windshield and then the tarmac. Feeling his body shredded and pain spreading throughout. He let out a groan as the driver jumped from the car,

"Buddy are you okay? Please talk to me I called an ambulance it'll be fine. Fuck I'm sorry." The driver tried to comfort the young boy as he slowly slipped out of consciousness.

Taehyung smiled at the text he received, 'I am, yours or mine?' he typed a quick reply 'Yours' he waited for a reply standing on the corner of the street, choosing to next a friend while he waited to brag about his new 'catch of the day' laughing at his great joke. They went back and forth one asking how he does the other explaining it's just his great looks. They joked until he got the text he was waiting for, waiting for a taxi to arrive he smirked thinking about what 'antics' he'd get up tonight. Waving down a taxi it slowly pulled up in front of his, he got in giving the driver the address before settling into the backseat. He continued texting his friend who was now complaining about his boyfriend and Taehyung's only advice was break-up and get back into the 'game'. The taxi suddenly jerked slamming into another car, Taehyung hit his head against the seat in front before a third car got involved and slamming into his car door throwing him into blind darkness.

Hoseok slowly drank the random bottled whatever he decided to buy as he walked home. Coming up with new dance movements in his head playing some out of the pavement, smiling to himself as he plugged his headphones in and set them in his ears to listen for the rest of the way home. Dancing as he proceeded down the street, no shame in what he was doing. Just him and his music. He crossed the street towards his apartment, not hearing the blaring horn of a car, only releasing when he was thrown into the ground his drink spilling onto the road. Sinking into the black.

Yoongi hung up on his girlfriend sitting down on the street curb, considering his options. Pretending it never happened and returning home to his lovely girlfriend or confronting her and destroying all that they built.

"But it's already crumbling." He mumbled taking another drag of his cigarette. Slipping into deep thought about what to do. He loved her, but he felt betrayed by her actions, confronting her would end in tears and a fight. Leaving it he suffered in silence as she continued taking a hammer to the castle they built.

"But maybe it wasn't her and I'm just assuming." He spoke to himself looking at the black tarmac beneath him.

"Maybe I'm just a joke to her? I can't even keep a fucking job." He cursed standing up and walking into the street standing in the middle, with one thing on his mind. A thought he's held onto for a while and hasn't told anyone. He waited for a pair of headlights to appear before stepping into the path of the car. 

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