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School was so boring! The bell rang to signify the ending of school, I packed up my things and headed to the choir room.

"Hello?" I say wondering if anyone is there.

"Yes?Are you here to audition?" Asks The teacher which happens to be Mr Schuester

"Yes I am my name is Rachel Berry" I reply

"Okay Rachel well everyone is here and I guess you can take the floor what song are you performing?" mr Schue asks, pointing to the centre of the room.

"I will be singing Thousand Years" I answer giving the piano man the book.

"Take it away!"

I sing from the bottom of my heart, I don't think anyone knows but I was secretly dedicating this song to Finn.

I finish the song and see almost everyone's mouth hit the ground.

"So? Was I-"I got cut off by santana

"Are you kidding me? With this gal we will make it to nationals!!!" Santana almost screams the last part, very soon everyone agrees with her.

"Rachel Berry take a seat beside Santana your in" mr Schue exclaims,

" hey rachel?" Santana whispers to me during glee

"Yeah?" I ask Ina whisper tone

"You're a great singer! Want to come to my house tomorrow?" She asks

"Yeah okay when?."

"After glee" santana answers, she grabs a paper and pen from her binder and writes down her street name, Address and phone number.

"Okay you'll need this" she hands it to me and I silently thank her.

"OKAY! So next week I will be picking male and female lead! The best two singers will be the ones" mr Schue says

5 mintues later

"Your dissmissed!"

I walk out the door and suddenly I get a huge crowd around me flooding me with questions.

"Rachie!! Your so great!" This girl named Brittany compliments me. I smile, avoid the crowd, and find Kurt.

"Hey Kurt!"I say

"Hey little- miss. Diva ready to go?" Kurt Asks, he kind of states it not asks it I find it funny!

"Yeah of course!"

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