Chapter 4

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~5 days later~

I'm still feeling sick. I've thrown up so much. I told my mom. She said to get my mind off of that and go see Inuyasha, so I decided to go.

I saw him and yelled to him. "Hey puppy!" He hated when I called him that, but he loved me so he couldn't do much. "Hey babe. I've missed you." I kissed him. "How are you feeling." 

"Still terrible."

"Aww come here baby"

"Stop acting like Miroku" I laughed, which made me throw up again

I hugged him and accidentally fell asleep, cuddling him. He picked me up bridal style and put me in bed. He kissed me and I woke up to see him in his demon form. His tongue touched mine. I hugged him. "Inuyasha please don't"

"Come on I brought protection this time"


But before we did anything he turned back. "Kagome, why are letting me do this?" 

"I don't-" I go up and ran outside to throw up again.

Inuyasha came and hugged me. I went to see Kaede since it was still the middle of the day. Inuyasha said he was going on a mission with the others, and told me to rest. He kissed me and went off.  I got to Kaede's and went in. "Hi Kagome. How are feeling?" 

"Terrible. I can't stop throwing up."

"Here try this." She handed me a pregnancy test. 

"For the last time I'm not pregnant!"

"Just try it"

I agreed to do it. I went into the bathroom and took it. 30 minutes later it was confirmed. I told Kaede "Kaede, you were right, I'm pregnant."

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