Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding

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The road that from the town led to the cemetery was not difficult to remember, since she had to continue straight on the main road until just before leaving the town. Practically the same path that she followed to return to her home, just a little shorter.

If it had not been for Finn, who was running to stand by her owner on the bike, she would have pedaled faster, as if someone was chasing her, just because she could not wait to get to her destination.

When she finally came to the big dark iron gate, Jasmine felt a chill run through her body. She had imagined that place as a classic horror film cemetery, whereas it was a very nice place. As nice as a cemetery can be, obviously.

She began to walk the gravel paths that formed a grid across the area and gave a sense of absolute order, along with the freshly cut grass and the perfectly pruned hedges. The bicycle on one side and Finn on the other accompanied her.

The problem now was to find what she had come to here for: Ms. Voorhees's grave and Jason's one too.

At first it seemed an arduous task, but she had to change her mind when, after doing no more than a dozen meters, a group rather numerous of people passed the gate, headed by the same man she had seen being scolded by Mike Berger in front of a shop a few days before.

"Since when cemeteries are a tourist destination?" Thought the girl, indignant to say the least by the behavior of all those people. When they passed her, talking in a loud voice, she could not hold back a grimace of disgust.

"At least" She thought "I will not have to look all over the cemetery to find Mrs. Voorhees."

When the group of tourists stopped, gathering around the two tombstones and even taking pictures, Jasmine kept her distance, not wanting to mix with certain people. She pretended to focus her attention on a not too distant grave, while in reality she was throwing fiery glances at those who her mind called "desecrators".

"Who knows what they would do if Jason suddenly appeared! What do you think, Finn? Maybe some of them say that they are his fans, but they would run away at first glance." She whispered to her hairy friend.

"Why, what did you do at the lake?" A voice in her head asked.

"This has nothing to do with that, there he seemed quite angry and had just killed two girls." She said to herself.

Jasmine had to wait a long time before the group went away, under threat of the guard just arrived to call the police. Having established that no one was still around, she decided to approach the tombstone Mrs. Voorhees.

Jason, meanwhile, had also arrived at the cemetery. Bordering with the forest, he did not need to enter it through the gate, it was enough for him to climb over the fence. Or even better to go through a gap created specifically by him and conveniently covered by vegetation. He generally visited his mother's grave at night when he was sure no one could see or disturb him. But something told him to go at that time, so he did.

Finding the tombstone surrounded by people, who were doing everything except what you should do in a cemetery, infuriated him a lot. He was ready to go out into the open and slaughter them all, but the angry old keeper's voice stopped him. Never mind, the fate of all of them had already been sealed. He did not like "working" among so many people if he could avoid it. When the group left, he refrained himself from going out, because he had seen the girl. What was she doing there? His mother's voice that kept talking to him did not help to think clearly.

"They shouldn't be here, Jason. Kill them all!"

He saw the girl looking around cautiously, standing in front of one of the many tombstones, with a bouquet of flowers in her hand and her dog as always next to her. Did his mother also referred to her? Every time he saw her, he asked to himself that question. When the group of people had left the cemetery, she began to advance on the driveway, going right in his direction nervously. She was saying something, but Jason could not hear her until she was close enough.

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