Chapter 4 - Sightings

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Jasmine got up quite late. During the night she woke up several times, without an apparent reason. After the usual morning routine, she decided to spend the time she had before lunch decorating the rooms a little better. They still had a box full of pictures and photos that were just waiting to be hung up. One of the things she just could not stand was to see empty walls. Her old room was small, but it could not be said that it didn't reflect the young lady's personality. She had occupied every available surface, both inside and outside the wardrobe too. Because of this, her father had taught her how to plant the nails in the walls with the right method. But her mother had asked her not to put too much on the walls of her room, not until it was so new. Jasmine went to the cellar to pick up the toolbox found the day before and took it into the room, together with the photos' box. She first pulled out her red wood initials, hanging it on the door of her room. Now a J and a H pointed out that that was her room. Then, she hung a drawing, a gift from her friend Alex. She was very good at drawing; she had given her a lot of drawings and Jasmine kept them all carefully preserved. The one that she hung represented their small group of friends sitting on a couch, and behind them stood their favorite characters. Jason behind her, Leatherface behind Alex, Michael Myers behind Wendy and Freddy Krueger behind Stuart. They were a funny group.

Jason had been around the house for much of the morning, waiting for the girl to come out, and he was getting bored.  And nervous. Instead she stayed inside, and only the father went out in the early morning. Every now and then he could see her through some windows, when suddenly she started hammering. Who knows what she was doing.

Anna found her daughter in her room, seeing what she was doing, and asked her to hang some photos up around the rest of the house, since there was still time before lunch. She took out all the framed pictures and together with her mother decided where to put them.

She was in the living room, hanging up a big family photo, taken in front of the Colosseum a few years earlier during a holiday. Suddenly, when tilting the frame, the glass reflected what was to the right of the girl, a big figure watching her from the window. It didn't take much time for Jasmine to recognize that shape and so she turned impetuously. Unfortunately for her, such sudden movement made her lose her balance and she fell with a loud thud, tumbling from the chair on which she was standing.

Jason hid away as soon as he realized the girl had noticed him. He did not expect that she would fall in such a way though. He had to admit that the scene had been rather hilarious, and his lips - or whatever remained of them - formed a slight smile underneath his mask. He moved away from the window, behind the bushes. He could see the interior of the house, but they could not see him.

"Jasmine!" He saw her mother run, worried, along with their dog. The girl was still on the ground, sitting now, with the frame unscathed in her hands, staring at the window. He finally figured out her name. "What happened?"

"Um ... nothing ... I just fell, I put my foot where I shouldn't have." She replied, telling a half-truth, still looking at the window. Jason wondered why she never talked about him with her parents. He was sure she had seen him. Was she afraid they wouldn't believe her?

"You have to be more careful. What are you looking at?" She turned to the window, not seeing anything special.

"Nothing. I'm trying not to think about the bruises that will form on my skin."

"Mmh ..." Mom seemed to believe it. "Get up. The frame?"

"It's fine." She stood up, taking her mother's hand "Now I'll hang it."

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