chapter 2 the search

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felix was upset so he phoned the only person who couled help sampie he said sampie, cry has been kidnapped we need to do some thing please help me fined him. sampie said ill help you if you help me fined my escape the fate CD iv been looking for it and I carnt fined it. felix said hear it is it was on top of your TV. sampie said ok ill help you.

felix and sampie made posters and stuck them everywhere they also told the cops and they weren't eny help. then felix notised the same person was stood looking through the window and said hes ther sampie look and screamed like a girl and said DID THATTAKE CRY. felix ran out the door too see who was ther but it disappeared like a ghost.

felix and sampie was scared and confused but they knew that person took cry sampie said that wasn't a person that was somethig els we need to go to smoshs house to ask for help. felix said thats a good idea lets go

as they set of they knew they were being followed by that thing so they ran.

when they got ther they knock and shouted for them sampie said that thing might of got them stand back ill kick the door in well have to see for are self to see if ther In. felix said ther not in. sampie found a note but he hid it from felix just in case he freaks out felix said we need to get out of hear and try to trap that thing. sampie agreed. 

they both set a trap and one set of at night and the next day felix checked the trap but a  bear got trapped in it felix went to check on sampie but sampie wasent ther so he ran to sampies house and founed a note saying if you want to see cry, smosh and sampie you will come to the woods!

pewdiepies stalker part 1Where stories live. Discover now