chapter 3 the thing is!

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felix was freaking out and then he thought if I went to the woods I couled save them but then my life couled be on the line and I dont want them to die. then felix thought I have to save them Im going to be a hero.

when felix set of for the woods it was getting dark, all he couled think about is what has happened and who is this thing that is doing this it couled be a sick person who likes pulling horrible pranks.

when he got to the spot he noticed a shed and on the shed door he saw a note that said go inside and pulle the lever but ddont pull enything stupid or ill KILL THEM. felix got more scared and he was shaking

when he went in to the shed he pulled the lever and a barell landed on his head and knocked him out when he woke up he saw the barell and he knew he wasent in the shed enymore felix said I hat barells then he herd sampies voice say its a trap felix try break free I carnt said felix

then he herd screeming coming from sampie IT HERTS HES KILLING US FELIX HES KILLED SMOS H H S. felix shouted NOOOOOO SAMPIE SMOSH CRYYY WHERE ARE YOU SICK BASTERD. then he noticed a shadow coming towards him and said if I carnt have you no one can

then he realised who it was he could not believe it he was shocked he shouted HELP ME ITS AMNEISA  WAIT WHERE ARE YOU GOING SOME ONE HELP ME stafarno what you doing hear are u hear to help me. stafarno said yes now lets go befor it return.

                                           felix said were safe for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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