Hostage {1D}

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I groggily walked through the library's door, spotting Mr. Newbury behind the counter typing something on the computer. I walk up, placing my backpack onto the counter, and walking over to the swinging door to stand beside him.

"Hi Mr. Newbury," I give a small smile, and his eyes meet mine.

"Why so glum?" he asks, I look down at my attire. Extra large hoodie, along with skinny jeans and combat boots. Nothing different from what I normally wear.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Your eyes aren't as bright as they normally are," he says. "Have you and your father fought lately?"

I sigh, taking a seat on one of the stools. "Yeah, he told me the only reason why I got into Duke is because of how much I sleep around," he huffs and sighs.

"That is no way to treat a daughter, if me and my husband could have kids I defiantly wouldn't say anything to them like that," he says, causing me to giggle a bit.

"Yeah, I wished you were my dad, at least you make me smile on my worst days," I remind him. He smiles proudly, then glances at his watch.

"Pork," he mumbles, those 'cuss' words of his. "I have a staff meeting until 11, think you can hold the house down?"

I nod, "Yeah. I can scurry the mice and flies away with ease."

He shakes his head, chuckling at my response. "The stupid technology makes me sick these days. I'll see you later Bea," he smiles and grabs his binder from one of the cabinets. Leaving through the double wooden doors shortly after. I sigh, making the stools seat spin me around in a circle.

"Uh excuse me?" someone cleared their throat. I stop and see someone in a uniform, must be a transfer.

"Yes?" I ask, trying to stop my dizziness.

"Can you show me where the cafeteria is? I though this was it," the boy chuckles.

"Yeah, here follow me," I motion him, and I step from behind the counter next to him. "What's your name?" I ask and he looks at me odd, his blue eyes debating a bit.

"Niall. I just transferred here from Mullingar," he says and I furrow my brows.

"Ireland? Isn't that quiet a ways?" I asks and he shrugs.

"I think it's cool, my mum thought it would be too," he says.

I nod, sighing as we reach the wooden doors. I place my hand on the door, giving it a little push. But it didn't budge, I tried harder but no use. I look back to Niall, who was no where in sight. I gulp, this is just like one of those horror films. And it seems like I'm going to be apart of one.

"N-Niall?" I stutter out, but no one answered. I slowly made my way back to the counter. I could use the phone to get people I'm here to help, but when I reached the counter all of the wires had been pulled or cut.

"Seriously?" I shouted and stomped my foot, this is just not my day. I felt something behind me, but I thought I was just being paranoid. Then something was placed over my mouth and nose, causing me to scream. My breaths got deeper as my body was starting to get numb. My eyelids drooped close and that's the last thing I remember before I blacked.

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