First Day🤤💗

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I'm at school now and I made some friends. Their names are Tessa Brooks, Alissa Violet, and Chloe Bennett. There is a boy who keeps staring at me. His name is Logan. I'm pretty sure he wants to be my friend. Chloe said he probably likes me. But that's normal, I mean, who doesn't? Chloe called me over.


C(screaming): ERIKA!!
E: yes Chloe
C: Logan is staring at you😍
E: ok
T&A: he likes you!!!😏
E: obviously, everyone likes me! I'm so amazing.😊

Some girl walks over to us.

Girl: hi I'm Lele💗
T&A&C&E: hi Lele
T: I'm Tessa
A: I'm Alissa
E: I'm Erika
C: and I'm Chloe
L: hi girls, is this your first year here?😊
E: yes
L: mine too😍
A: you look much older...🙂
L: ya, i started school very late, I'm actually 6
E: 🤨
A: 😒
T: 🧐
C: Lele, I think I speak for all of us when I say, wanna be friends?💝
L: sure I would love too💛
E&A&T&C: yay💛✨
L: but the actual reason I came over here was because I noticed that Logan is totally checking Erika out!♥️
E: well everyone...
L: but I totally ship it! Your ship name could be LERIKA!! Omg its perfect! You guys have to be introduced💝
E: I thought he just wanted to be my friend.
L: no hunny! He wants to date you, and I can tell💛
E: oh...🙃
L: but he's so hot just look at him😍

(A/N: pretend that that's at school, and I'm pretty sure it is Logan

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(A/N: pretend that that's at school, and I'm pretty sure it is Logan...?)

E: well I wanna be his friend💫
L: then let's introduce you💛

Time skip...
L: hi Logan I'm lele, this is Tessa, that's Chloe, that's Alissa, and that's ERIKA💗
Logan: hi
C: we noticed you had your eye on Erika all day! Do you like her?💗
E: CHLOE...!
Logan: i, i, i...

The bell rings and school is over

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