Room 1

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Connor walked into work with his arms loaded with boxes. In each box was a different ingredient.

You see, he was the chef of the esteemed hotel. The hotel was owned by the one and only Bruce Wayne.

It was a very expensive place, but Bruce often had deals and rewards for those who don't have a lot of money.

Something was different when Connor arrived in the kitchen.

The manager, Dick Grayson-Wayne (the adopted son of Bruce), looked stressed out.

"Uh... did something happen?" Connor asked, his eyebrow raised.

"The main hostess who worked here went into labor so she had to quit." Tim spoke up, reading over a paper on his clipboard.

Dick groaned and slammed his head on the counter, "This is awful...  what are we supposed to do...? Jamie can't waiter and hostess at the same time, I have to run the bar... Tim isn't even in this department..." He bemoaned, slamming his hand over and over on the countertop.

The kitchen door opened and in walked Jamie with three trays balanced in his arms, "Table 204 needs more seasoning, 207 wanted no oregano and a note from them saying that no one likes oregano, and 208-" He cut himself off seeing the situation, "Uh... what happened..?"

"That's exactly what I said." Connor told him, "The hostess had to leave for maternity."

"I see." Jamie set the trays down, "Anyways, while you mope, we need to get these orders fixed. Now." He commanded, walking out of the kitchen leaving only Dick's whining.

Connor hummed in thought before grinning, "I have an idea."


"You're getting a job."

Jon's eyes widened, "What...?"

Connor sat at the table, "Mom and dad thinks my idea is great, you need to learn how to work and we have an opening for a host. So you're coming to work with me. I filled out your application and Dick said he's hiring you instantly because he has no other choice."

The younger Kent blinked, "I get no say...?"

"Nope. None."

"Okay, I guess."

"Great! I got your uniform!"


And so, Jonathan Kent got a job at The Wayne Hotel.

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