Room 5

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It was around three when Jon got his lunch break, Blitz covered his spot. Blitz was the O.G. jack of all trades but master of none.

He walked to the kitchen to bug his brother (and to see if there was any reject pie). The doors swung easily and he saw Connor skillfully garnishing... whatever that fancy food was.

"Hey Connor." Jon greeted, leaning against the counter.

"Hi Jon," Connor smiled at his brother before motioning towards Jon's heart, "Heard you encountered the infamous Damian Wayne."

Jon scratched the back of his neck in a nervous habit, "I guess, I didn't realize it was him so I kind of panicked once I recognized him." He said with a low laugh.

"Damian is a lot of bark, but he definitely has a bite. I would be careful to not insult him." Connor warned warmly.

"Yeah... anyways... do you have any reject pie?"

"In the walk-in freezer."

"Thanks big bro!"

In the freezer, Jon plopped a nice chunk of blueberry pie onto his plate. He grinned and carried the plate out of the kitchen and to the office behind the bar. In the office was another door that led to the break room.

He sat on a chair and chowed down on his delicious treat. It was short lived as the door swung open and in walked Damian Wayne, again.

He caught eyes with the host and he furrowed his brows, "Jamie and Dick are idiots. Don't listen to them." He proclaimed, sitting at the table as well. He would have looked calm and collected, if it weren't for his reddening cheeks.

Jon thought it was cute and accidentally said, "Cute." Aloud.

Damian felt heat rush to his cheeks, "What...?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Uh- ignore that! I was thinking... of my dog... you remind me him." Jon hastily lied, his own cheeks turning red.

"Oh. I see." Damian reached over and casually stole a blueberry, popping it into his mouth.

He's flirting. This is flirting, right? Jon wondered, ignoring the fact that Damian ate three more berries with that innocent smirk on his face.

Jon opened his mouth to speak, but Dick walked in at that moment. The older man looked at Damian and smirked, "You're eating blueberries? I thought you hated them?"

Damian blushed redder and turned his head away, "I tolerate them."

Oh, so he was flirting. Jon couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips, "I would've gotten you a pie if you asked." He told the other teen.

"I don't like blueberry pie." And off went the Damian.

Dick chuckled, "He's really awkward, and kinda mean, but he's a real nice kid." He said, though it sounded like he was trying to assure Jon.

"Yeah... I can see that." Jon looked at the place where Damian was sitting, the smile still present on his face.

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