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I woke up the next morning at 9:00. It was Saturday so we usually just go over to Derek's and hang out but I kinda wanted to go to Deaton to see if he knew why the pack recently started calling me mom.
I texted Scott saying I would be over at Derek's in a little. Then headed to the vets.

I pulled into the parking lot then when to the back where I know deaton would be.
"Hey deaton. I have a question."
"Okay." He said looking up from what ever he was doing.
"Yesterday the pack was having a meeting and I went to the kitchen to make me some food when Isaac came in and called me mom. I asked him what he had called me but he said he didn't call me anything. Scott done the same thing. Do you know why they are calling me mom?"
"Well, Isaac could be seeing you as a motherly figure since he doesn't have a mother. Do you take care of him?"
"Well, yeah I think so. But what about Scott? Why would he call me it."
"I don't know why Scott would do it. I look into it just let me know if anything else happens." I nodded and walked out getting into my Jeep then heading towards Derek's.

I walked into Derek's when Isaac ran up to me hugging me.
"Where was you mom I was worried." Everyone stopped and looked at us. Derek's eyes got wide. But yet again I let it slide not wanting him to get embarrassed. I sent everyone a glare telling them to not say a word about it.
"I'm okay just went to talk to deaton for a second." With that he let go of me.
"Why you go to deatons?" He asked confused.
"I needed to ask him some questions."
I looked over to see that Derek still hasn't took his eyes off me.
"Okay guys well, I came here to hang out hoping someone would already have lunch done. But since you haven't I will." I said walking into the kitchen.
I noticed someone following. I looked back to see Derek.
"What you need Derek." I said starting to make everyone sandwiches.
"When did he start calling you mom?"
"Um yesterday. Him and Scott both done it but they didn't remember them saying it." I told him.
"Is that why you went to deatons?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just wondering what did he say."
"He said that since I take care of Isaac that the reason he called me it is because he sees me as a motherly figure which is weird I'm not gonna lie but he didn't understand why Scott had done it. He is looking more into it." He just nodded and walked out leaving me to get the food and carry it out to them.
"Okay ham and cheese. A little bit of mustard and a lot of mayo." I said smiling down at Scott handing him the plate. I had made everyone their favorite sandwich.
"Thanks mom." I looked over at Derek and the pack then back at Scott.
"You're welcome." I then went and sat down beside Derek and ate my sandwich.

Pack momWhere stories live. Discover now