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Derek's pov-

I was kinda worried that the pack started to call stiles mom. Usually when a pack does that it means that that person is the mate of the alpha. But then again. They might just see him as a motherly figure like deaton had said. I hope so. Everyone had already left except Isaac who lived here.
I walked into the living room to see him sleeping on the couch. I walked over shaking him a little.
"Hey Isaac go sleep in your bed okay." He nodded. He started walking up the stairs but right when he got to the top I heard it.
"Good night dad." And then he was gone. I spun around and looked at where he was.
God damnit. I grabbed my car keys and drove to stiles house.
Once I was there I texted him to come out side we were going somewhere.
Not five minutes later he came out looking like he got ran over by a truck. He got in the passenger side and looked at me.
"Derek this better be good it is 12:00 at night." I just kept quiet and drove to the vet texting deaton to meet us there.

Once we arrived at deatons I got out of the car. Stiles following me.
"Derek what's going on? Why are we here." I looked back at him.
"I need to know something okay. Stay here until I tell you to come in I'll text you. He just hit his head on the back of the seat but listened to me. I walked in to the clinic and seen that deaton was already there.
"My pack is calling stiles mom. What else have you figured out cause I think you know more than what you're telling him." He looked at me.
"Yes I just didn't want him to know because knowing that could be putting both of you at risk. How did you know he is getting called mom."
"Well for one. Scott and Isaac both called him mom today. The whole pack noticed and for two while ago Isaac said dad while ago."
He looked at me.
"Well, you already know what happening and you can either tell stiles or leave him into dark." He was cut off by someone speaking.
"Tell stiles what? What are you guys not telling me!" Stiles said.
"Stiles I told you to stay in the car." I told him.
"You drug me here at 12:00 in the morning I'm not just gonna sit out side while you inside to god knows what. Now tell me what I don't know!" I looked from deaton then back to stiles.
"Um we know why the pack is calling you mom." I told him looking down.
"The pack don't call me that just Isaac and Scott. The others don't." He said looking at us.
"They will start to very soon." Deaton said looking at stiles.
"They are not doing it on purpose. They see you as a thing that is called a 'pack mom' the alphas mate. Due to being the alphas betas they see him as a dad figure so they will start to call him dad. Not many packs have this, it can make a pack very strong because the pack which is like a family is finally complete." Deaton said breaking it down for stiles.
"Wait a minute you're saying that they see me as Derek's mate why? I not even in Derek's pack I'm in Scott. He'll Scott ain't even in Derek's pack." He asked confused.
"Stiles they see you as that because you are my mate. I didn't understand at first but then Isaac called me dad when he was going to sleep while ago. That's why I asked you about it hoping that you got a better reason from deaton today." Derek said.
"No this can't be happening. Sorry but I got to go. I can find my own way home." He said walking out the door.
"Derek. You know that if he rejects you.. that means you inner wolf will become so sad it will soon end up dying from a broken heart which kills you in the process." Deaton says looking at me. I nodded.
"Yeah, I know. But what am I supposed to do. He ain't gay. Hell I didn't even think I was gay. I can't make him do it. I would rather die then force him to do something he don't want to do." And with that I left.

Stiles pov

I had finally made it home. I walked up to my room to see someone laying on my bed sound asleep. I looked down at the person seeing it was Scott. I sighed and laid down.
"Mom where have you been?" He asked sound tired.
"I had to go somewhere with Derek. Don't worry just go back to sleep."
"Is something wrong with you and dad?" He asked sounding worried.
"No don't worry about anything okay Scotty. Everything is fine just go to sleep. You have another pack meeting tomorrow." He just nodded and turned over facing me and smiled. I looked up at the ceiling.
'God what is happening. I can't be Derek's mate. For god sakes we hate each other. I can't be pack mom.'
That was the one thing that keep popping up in my mind
Derek's mate. Pack mom.
Until finally I fell asleep.

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