The last punishment.

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Weak. Why am I so weak? Another hit, the pain spiralling down my back and through my skin. Am I on fire? It feels like it. My head is spinning, vision blurred. I should be used to this by now. Hit, this time electricity pulses through my veins making me scream in agony, that is what always makes me scream. You can beat me, torture me, cut me up limb by limb ill be in pain but I won't make a sound just let the silent tears roll down my cheeks but electricity, that is my weakness, it pulses through my veins like a snake after prey. It burns me from the inside out travelling to every inch of my body, my mind foggy, confused, distorted. The scream leaps from my mouth like a frog from a pond, echoing on the walls being heard from miles around. I can almost feel the smile across her face as the whip strikes my back again and again a higher voltage pushed throughout my system with every single touch. The blue and yellow sparks flying across my eyes as the pain I feel every day never seems to end, they merely stop for a few hours only to be exchanged with damaging positions and painful thoughts.

"That's enough for now, Crimson" A Deep voice echoed from across the room, drawing me back into this reality.

"But father I Barely even got started, I only got to hit him a few times, what about all the new torture methods I'm dying to try out it will be so fun hearing him cry in pain!" Crimson addressed the man excitement pouring into her voice, hands clasped together almost leaping in joy.

"You can try them another time, for now, we need to prep him for the tests we have the last load of serum to inject today." The man walked over as Crimson left the room to collect the serum, he came to me as I was tied up by my wrists and ankles hung in the air, he smiled grabbing my chin and moving my face to look at his.

"Well don't you look horrible today," he said to me smirking, I growled at him eyes red, fangs like a wolf. His skin sparked blue and yellow as he zapped my face tearing pain through my skin, giggling. " oh my son Aeron, have you still not learned, you're not allowed to do that silly or we will put you through so much pain. We will enjoy it, you? Not so much." He said in a babying voice tapping the sides of my face before going to help Crimson.

This is the family I have. A family of villains. My father forced marriage with my mother for her quirk producing my older sister and me but mother died when I was 5, she was the only good in my life, she was the only one who believed I could be different. Mothers name was Nadine Banbury it meant hope, I always felt safe in mothers arms. The man who calls himself Fathers name is Apep Pratt it means to slither. Sisters name is Crimson Pratt it means something dark or scary which sister is. My name is Aeron Pratt but I like Aeron Banbury because I do not want to associate with the Pratt's my name means nothing special, just berry or a river in Wales. 

Father came back to give me the injection it is painful... It goes into my lower back and scorches my insides. I scream in pain as the fluid is pushed into my system. My body burning my DNA changing. The pain lasted about an hour, suddenly my body became really hot and I burst in flames, Father cheered in joy as I developed new quirks. This was the biggest change yet. Fire, Invisibility, Colour change, and flexibility. By vision dulled as I blacked out.

Hay Pals!! This is an idea I've had for a long time now and I finally got round to writing it. I hope you enjoyed the stating chapter I can't wait for you to read more!!! If you have any ideas please comment i will read them!!

For photos all rights reserved to the artists. I liked the look of these characters I do not know where they are from.

 I liked the look of these characters I do not know where they are from

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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