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"SCRAPLETS" Pewter, a bright silver youngling with bright red eyes, yelled as he ran away from the hoard of the mentioned vermin. He fired his plasma cannon on his shoulder once, twice, and three times before running at a faster pace towards Iron, who was setting up something.

Iron shot his head up, "Well, Don't bring them over here! They'll ruin it!" Iron was the same age as Pewter, but had a dark redish brown armor and bright blue eyes. Pewter turned back around and began firing once more, fearing for his life. He shot over and over again, bringing his other cannon on his other shoulder to help. Just when the first Scraplet would start eating his armor, a huge blast of cold air came from behind him, freezing wave after wave of scraplets.

Pewter turned behind him to see Iron holding a large funnel that was bringing the cold air from a energon cube. After a few minutes all the scraplets were dead.

"Sorry for making you hold them off Pewter," Iron appologise to his friend. Pewter only shook his head and smiled.

"You still needed to finish the ColdBringer, but if you didn't finished it when you did, I would've been scrap metal." Pewter told Iron with a pat on the shoulder, his cannons retreating. He eyed the engeron cube with distaste, "And there goes one cycle of energon." He sighed, Iron looked slightly sheepish.

He tried to cheer up Pewter, "Hey, we still have at least a solar cycle worth of Energon, so a few cubes will mean nothing." The silver youngling sighed, but he nodded. He looked around their little camp. It was five walls and a roof, one side had been completely blown off, but if it was restored, they could see this place used to be a berthroom for a really rich person. In the corners were was a small circle shape, a stash of energon was stored up, over flowing the small corner. A small, barely functioning washrack was through one door.

In all of the places that Pewter and Iron had checked, this was the best. There was two escapes through the main room and another in the washrack.

"You're right." Pewter told his brother in all but Energon.

Iron grinned, "Want to look for some more Energon?" He suggested. Pewter grinned and they exited the camp and started to run around, mainly enjoying themselves as they jumped from broken roof to broken roof. As they neared what the 'bots before them called 'The Hall of' something, the last word had been blown up, a green vortex swirled into view. Both younglings stopped behind a boulder to watch.

Seven huge bots came out of the portal, a black and yellow one, a blue and pink femme, a green one, a blue one and the biggest, two red and blue bots. As they stepped out of the portal, it closed behind them, making thier blue optics shine as the only sorce of light disappeared.

"Who are they?" Pewter asked Iron as he looked at the new comers. It apeared that they heard them and their guns started to warm up, them pointing all over the place.

Iron growled and whispered back, "We have to run." Iron told Pewter, "Theres a door on the third floor that keep us safe." Iron crouched down for a better traction for running while Pewter did the same. They darted from their hiding place when the bots pointed away from them. The second they moved, the bots started to shoot. The only thing that Pewter was thankful for was that they had horrible shots.

Big bot called something and they stopped firing their bullets, but not before Iron got shot in the leg. "Iron!" Pewter cried as Iron went down, his red brown armor creating sparks as he skidding along the ground. Pewter went to his friend and activated his cannons on his shoulders, glaring at the big bots, protecting Iron. Iron groaned, not even scraplets did this much damage.

"Pewter, leave!" Iron commanded behind the youngling that was charging up his cannons slightly. Pewter looked behind him and Iron growled a warning to comply. "They'll only get one of us, GO!" Pewter cast one last glance at the big bots before running away. He ran over rocks and debris, casting one last glance at Iron when he reached the tall vantage point.

The girl-bot was trying to get close to Iron, the rest staying away, the black and yellow bot watching in fascination. Pewter got one good look at the rest of the bots, meeting Huge-bot's optics before disapearings from their view. Pewter leaped back towards their camp, not enjoying himself as he leapt over a quicker way. But as he moved, a sparkle drew his attention from the corner of his red optic.

He stopped where he was and saw the twinkle. He hopped down to it's level and looked around for any threats, such as Inceticons or Scraplets. When he found none, he dug up what ever caught his eye and saw a visor.

The visor was big and blue, like Iron's optics, only see-through and paler, looking like it would only cover a Big Bot's eyes. He placed the visor over his head to his eyes, it slipping really easily since it was five sizes to big. To his surpise, the visor snapped onto his helm and system manages flashed before his eyes, filtering things and making his vison turn blue, but his red optics still seen from the outside. In fact, the visor made him look better, his helm now looking rounder.

Pewter didn't bother to remove the visor, as finders keepers is the life he lives, as he moved back on his course to his camp. No longer his and Iron's, but his alone. The very thought made washer fluid come to his optics, but he blinked them away. Suddenly, the colorful bars spiked, every one but the bottom two turning into a bright shade of orange. Pewter stopped on a broken roof about half a mile from his camp to scan the area.

Surpised at his findings, a hit of fear came into his processor at the discovery of a Big Bot. He looked over the place as he tried to find the general location of the Big Bot, crouched down low so who ever the Big Bot may be, it wouldn't detect him. Tried as he might, he could not detect it's signal and the bars lowered to their normal frequencies.

Pewter continued on his way to his camp, keeping a look out as he zoomed around the top of the broken buildings. He stepped into his camp, looking at all the dead scraplets in the door way in disgust. He kicked a few out of the way as he made his way towards the Energon storage to get his daily intake. He noticed that his fuel tanks took more to fill, so there was only one third of a cube left. It would be good enough for his morning meal, even as messily as it was.

He made his way to his berth, checking all his vital signs on his new blue and gold visor after a good polish. Deeming it alright to recharge, he scanned the area and recharged, fright still over him and a thought running through his head;

I'm on my own.

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