Chapter 3

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Pewter and Copper listened as Starscream explained what the Decepticons fought for and every thing. Soundwave stood by, silently sipping at the energon. He was thinking about the younglings, because they still acted like them. Pewter was almost an exact replica of Megatron if you remove the visor and the light blue accents and sharpened the spikes on his shoulders. He didn't have the personailty of Megatron and only really allowed Copper to touch him. She was still sitting on his shoulders, listening entently.

Pewter, Megatron's sparkling during the war, one of the only next to Ironhide and Sunstreaker and his twin with their mates, had all died because of the war. Pewter was first, the Autobots under Sentinel's command wanting to make sure there was no heir for the Decepticons.

As a sparkling, Pewter was quiet, but curious. He hardly asked for anything, even Starscream liked him because he wondered what he was and demanded stories in his way. Soundwave, though loyal to Megatron, was hoping that when he'd pass on, Pewter would've been allowed to lead and send the Decepticons to a more peaceful era. If Optimus Prime would've died, he could almost have a chance to be a Prime.

When the Autobots attacked, about thirty Vihcons and ten of the best fighters were to protect Pewter and his carrier, Brighter, a dark grey femme. Sadly, they all died to try and protect him, knowing what Soundwave knew. Even as a last defense, Brighter protected Pewter with her life, as a carrier would do. Pewter wasn't found in the room, but was killed right infront of Megatron's optics by Sentinel Prime, Pewter holding for his sire with washer fluid in his eyes.

Though only a vorn old, Pewter was smarter than most and knew what was happening is what most thought. So he knew he was going to die, and he wanted to be held by Megatron for one last time. Sentinel's words to Megatron were "You don't deserve a sparkling you Monster"

It was his death that made Megatron snap. After he grieved for the lost of his sparkling and sparkmate, he stormed the Autbot base and killed their sparklings, saying, "You are the monsters, you killed my sparkling, so I'll kill yours". Sentinel died in that attack, the only non-sparkling casulaity.

And now he was here, towering above Starscream with Copper on his shoulders, looking as if this story was his life-line, showing that he never had a real childhood. Maybe when the Omega Lock was activated, it brought to life the sparklings, as the Dark Energon would've pass over them as they would've have no weapons or anything to defend with.

"Pewter, what do you say?" Starscream sneered at Pewter, who smiled smiled sweetly at him.

"I'll do it." Pewter agreed and Copper cheered, giving Pewter a nice pat on the helm. "But, I'm going to try and keep from fighting as much as possible." He told them and Starscream nodded happily.

"Soundwave?" Starscream asked him as he turned to the said con.

A line appeared on Soundwave's mask, "Decepticons: Operation: Return Home. Fact: New leader. Not Starscream." It said and it moved all over the galaxy, as Megatron's death took a toll on many and hearing that Starscream was not leader made loads try to come back. Even Megatron on earth, in his last dying moments in the ocean heard this, knowing there was still hope for them after he offlined.

Knockout had space-bridged to where they were and saw Starscream and Soundwave with two other bots. He looked at them weirdly. "Who are they?" He asked, pointing at Pewter and Copper. "And Soundwave, YOU TALK?!"

"Knockout! This is Pewter." Knockout looked at the Megatron look-alike then back at Starscream.

"You sure?"


"Hey hey, if he doesn't want to join then he doesn't." Megatron look-alike said in a kinder voice, putting a hand in front of Starscream. The femme then placed her servos above Starscreams eyes and snickered. Starscream clawed at the femme and she jerked from her perch on Pewter's shoulders.

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