Camp Nowhere

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       Ok, so it's been about 3 months since I first met my group of friends, and it's been pretty interesting to say the least. It was going to be summer in 7 days. I would call this summer a success!  Today Snorkel called me and told me she had something important to discuss with me. I met her near the gas station/drug store at 6:34. "Hey, what did you need to talk about Snorkie?" (I call her that sometimes just to make her annoyed.) "Very funny, Driftalot." She chuckled (She also calls me rude nicknames...) Rusty came and beat the pinata of conversation "Would you stop flirting and just tell him the news?" Snorkel turned around face red with a mix between embarrassment and anger. "Were not flirting Rusty!" Snorkel shouted. "Just tell him..." "Ok ok... So Drift were going somewhere..."Where?" I asked contently. "CAMPING!" Shouted Snorkel OPS. I didn't know how to react... I've never been camping I hardly know what it is! "Really?" I asked. "Duhh" snorkel teased. "Were going next Thursday night, wanna come?" Asked Rusty. I said yes without hesitation.

                                                                 Thursday evening (AKA Camping day)

I got my stuff packed and i'm ready to get camping. I heard a knock on the door and a couple seconds later a "Hi Britey is Drift home?" "I'm here, Snorkel!" I stumbled down the stairs with my bag which included (a jacket, 2 t-shirts, one hoodie, Monopoly, and Harry Potter. (Rusty showed me the books, and I love them now! I'm on the 3rd book! The Prisoner of Azkaban.) Snorkel stepped off of her bicycle. 



"Ok let's go!"

       Britey grabbed me on the shoulder before I left. I turned to look at her. She smiled sweetly and said, "Have fun." "Thanks Britey" I awkwardly hugged her and stepped out the door and got my bike. Outside was Tricera and Rusty. (That was weird, Britey never hugs me. Whatever.) "Zoey and Raven are already at Wailing Woods." I looked over to Tricera who was speaking. "I thought we were going to Lonely Lodge..." Snorkel OPS laughed "Nope! It's waaaaaaay to crowded there!" "She has a point" remarked Rusty. "Ok then, let's go!" I said in between chuckles.

       Tricera OPS knew the way, I mean she could've just drove, she IS, 2 years older than us and has a license, but no apparently it's great exercise, (EXERCISE. MY. BUTT.) . When we got there it was pretty freaky... I mean considering the fact I was expecting to camp in a lodge not a tent, but whatever. (We  all decided to call it Camp Nowhere.) The girls set up the tent while us men collected fire wood. I told Snorkel she could never collect wood like a man. It's embarrassing, but she hit me back with "And you don't have a high enough IQ to figure out how to put up a tent. That's why were doing it for you. Sadly it was true.

       After everything was done we decided to tell scary stories. Zoey huddled up with Raven considering they were, a couple... Snorkel volunteered to give us goosebumps first. It was an old Lucky Landing folk tale about 3 guys and how 2 of them were murdered by this girl and the only  guy alive out of the bunch was stalked for 15 years before she confessed her love to him, and when he said no she killed him and married his dead body then later hung it on his doorway. She then told all the folk if she doesn't see someone in their family hung on their doorway the next night she would kill them and their family. I am now scarred for life. It scared the living crap outta me! Needless to say we didn't need anymore scary stories after that. I couldn't sleep that night. I was scared and felt lonely. I heard a drip of water fall on top of the tent. It was raining! I ran outside under the umbrella and smelled the air. It was great! I was still scared and lonely though. Snorkel OPS came out of the girls tent and sighed. She was surprised to look up and see me, I could tell because she flinched. I looked over at her. She walked up to me and hugged me and threw her head into my chest. "What the..." I mumbled quiet enough for her not to hear. "Can you sleep Drift?" She asked looking up after shoving her face in my chest. 

"No... not really..."

"Me neither"



"What was the point of slamming your face into my stomach?"

"Sorry Drift, did it hurt?"

"Not really"

"I'm just lonely, you feel like a big brother to me"

      I cringed. Big brother... She fell asleep on my shoulder. Outside. Where it was cold. REEEEEEEEEE. You might think it was all romantic and cute and stuff but halfway through her sleep she started to snore. Great... Now I have this. Despite my uncomfortableness, I "Drifted" off to sleep. Get it, drifted? Never Mind.

       The next morning I woke up in my sleeping bag. Was last night a dream? Dang, it! The closest I ever was to snuggling with my crush! 

                                                                 T H E   M E R N I N G

I stepped outside of my tent. Snorkel OPS immediately dashed over to me. "Thanks for accompanying me last night Drift, I woke up and put you back into your tent though." What the freak?! It wasn't a dream? "No problem Snorkel." She winked at me. I guess I stared at her for a long time because she said, "Hey aren't you gonna say anything Drift? You look like a Tomato." "Oh, OH! Sorry." "It's fine stupid." She grumbled I smirked and patted her on the shoulder. We packed up and drove home. Snorkel OPS started to ask me things like, "Can you come Drift?" or "Can I hold your hand?" I said yes every time, just to be a good friend, but really I liked it in a different way. I realize now I have a HUGE crush on Snorkel OPS. 

        When we got back to Salty Springs  Snorkel and I decided to hang out at the local drug store for a little while. When we decided to leave Snorkel kissed me on the cheek. My face turned the color of Elmo. She then shouted, "I meant that in a friend kinda way!" 


 I sighed of relief yet It was a little disappointing. When I got home I wrote this in my diary...

                                                                               Diary POV

Dear Diary, My crush/best friend kissed me today. Sadly it was meant in a friend kinda way but still with summer ending next week I am satisfied, I'm happy, and I'm slowly but surely drifting through life.

Tune in for Chap 4 on Friday!

 (From now on I'll try to make these more than 600 words because my other ones have been very short.)

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