Part 1

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I heaved a sigh as I closed the shutters to my shop for the night. It was tiring, so many customers had come in looking for their perfect hybrids. I went to the lockers and open the gates of their showcase cages and rush them to the small room I had put up just for the hybrids to sleep in and gave them a filling dinner.

I know it is not a lot but they are still somewhat human and shouldn't be kept in bad conditions. The store next door is going to be sold so I've been eyeing the place for quite sometime to turn it into a full-time hybrid hotel and I could have the dormitory right above the "hotel".

I left the place to go to the agent who is helping me process this transaction.

"If I can own the whole row of space, maybe I can upgrade my facilities and let the hybrids live better. I can also have a nursery built in it." I mumbled to myself as I continue to walk down the streets towards the agency.

"Why did they make hybrids though, all of them are forced into submission and it doesn't seem right. I don't really know what the hell the scientist was thinking when he made this happen but he is stupid. All the innocent children taken because of him." I continued to send curses at the scientist who claim to be revolutionary. He is destroying the futures of so many children. All the children are probably my age by now.

Poor things, they have to suffer all the pain of being controlled and having to obey. I can't even imagine their heats when they come to them every month. I better get more of those sex toys for the new batch of hybrids I'm getting this coming Friday. My thoughts went to the hybrids coming this Friday. I have to make sure I give them a good environment to live in before they leave me for good.

I quickly rush to the agency that was about a block away from me now.

"Hey Seokjin! Glad you could make it. So today we will be signing the handover papers for the property that you are purchasing." the agent, Jackson Wang said. He is a good friend of mine and he himself owned three hybrids that were bought from my store. He always treats them well and bring them over to my shop to buy treats for all of them. He is a very good owner.

"Yeah of course, I can't wait for the space to let the hybrids live a better life before they get sent to their new homes forever." I answered him.

He explained the whole procedure of handing over of the property to me again for the fourth time this year. I've been expanding rapidly after the news report that was done about a year ago and I've been stealing all the business from the stores beside mine which all happen to be hybrid stores and they are losing business with all the sick and abused hybrids that they sold.

I'm already taking over the fifth store in the row of shops, including my own business.

I signed all the papers and gave him the cheque that I had pre prepared before heading over there. I already have the contractors coming tomorrow to finish up the renovation as well as ordered many beds for the hotel as well as the dormitory for those who don't have owners yet.

I'm anticipating the arrival of the new hybrids this coming Friday and I have a lot of time to prepare because it is only Monday today.

I hope they would enjoy the newly furnished place. I sat there with Jackson sipping on the coffee that he had provided me with, viewing the picture of his hybrids. They were all so happy and lively.

"Jinyoung, BamBam and Yugyeom had so much fun at the amusement park that day and I've gotten all of them a stuffie. They were all so happy about it and even showed it off to others. Jin, I sent them to school for education. Do you think it is ok? I see them coming home with bruises, it aches my heart seeing them hurt." he spoke. The other children who were at school weren't hybrids. They are just rich kids who are spoilt and bratty and wouldn't give a care in the world for those hybrids at all. I could see Jackson's eyes well up with tears as he thought about his little babies who were suffering in school.

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