Chapter 1: Coming Home

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***3rd person***
     Sophia Morrow sighed as she looked out the window of her old black 1958 Firebird, her small right hand resting on the leather steering wheel while the hot sun hit her left arm as it rested against the outside of the drivers side door.her long brown hair whipped around her face from the wind coming through the open windows. Her bright blue eyes watching the Welcome to Charming sign as she passed it. Charming she thought, Good ol' Charming.
      A big smile sat on her chapped pink lips as she she passed familiar land marks on her way to her fathers garage. She had gotten done with her work early and had decided to surprise her father and step mom by coming home from college early. She was looking forward to seeing all of her family again. She couldn't wait to get back to work at the garage and spend time with Jackson and Opie again. She had been back to visit a few times and was there when Ope got out and a few other times since but that wasn't enough for her. She had missed seeing everyone everyday. She had missed them all dearly when she was away and was so excited to not have to leave again in the fall. Turning down the last street that lead to her Fathers car garage, her smile increased tenfold. She could see the expression on her dads face now. The utter surprise turning into that huge smile she loved dearly. As she pulled up to Teller-Morrow there was only a few motorcycles parked in the lot but there was a guy next to a Beamer with a chainsaw trying to cut a deer out of a windshield.
***Sophia's POV***
I saw Chibs standing by the tow truck laughing at tee poor guy and Jax not too far away, talking on his phone. I snuck up on Jax and just barely herd the last of his conversation consisting of him calling someone, most likely Gemma, Grandma before he hung up and and chuckled slightly before I jumped in his back and scared the shit out of him in the process. I started laughing my ass off as Jax put his hand over his heart with a very shocked look on his face. "Holy Christ Soph!!! You scared the living shit out of me!!!! What the hell!!" He yelled before pausing slightly realizing just who I was. " Oh my god! Sophia! Your here!!! What are you doing here???" He yelled, wrapping his arms around me as I calmed down and hugged him back. When we pulled back and he kissed my cheek I chuckled a bit before explaining how I had gotten done with things a few days early and had wanted to surprise everyone. "Well, Clay ain't here right now, he's meeting with Leroy right now and Mom is trying to get ahold of my crazy ex. Everyone else is inside I'm pretty sure though." He chuckled slightly, wrapping one arm around me as we started to walk over to Chibs, who wasn't paying attention. I wrapped my arms around The Scottish man from behind, successfully scaring him as well as Jax laughed as well this time. Chibs turned around and gave me a real hug as well and asked how I was doing and such before we walked into the clubhouse where we found Bobby picking at his guitar by the pool table. After catching up with Bobby a bit, the guy from early who was cutting up the deer walk in with another guy and a box. Bobby called out to him, calling him Half-sack. "Half sack! Pinky clogged the toilet again." He called.  Half sack kind of looked over at us before he laughed under his breath and said, "Jesus Christ. That guy shits more than a grizzly, man. It ain't human!" Before he went back to putting the box under the pool table. I laughed slightly and cause the guys attention to swerve over to me, giving me a slight grin. His attention was pulled back over to the guy he walked in with and he inquired as to how he got the name Half Sack. "Oh, man." He started as he unzipped his pants and started to pull his pants down as my eyes widened as I quickly turned my face to look the opposite direction, my virgin eyes not ready to be scared by this mans genitalia. "I got my left nut blown off by an aper frag in Iraq. Look at that guy!" I heard him say. Oh good lord, please put it away I pleaded in my mind, my eyes clenched shut. As if he had read my mind, my fathers voice entered the room "Jesus Christ! Put that deformed nut bag away, will ya?" He called. I gasped slightly as I spun around to see him entering the room with Tig and Chibs. He didn't notice me as he went to the bar and Tig told the guy, half sack, and the other guy to disappear. "DADDY!!!" I screamed causing my dad to turn in suprise just in time to catch me as I clung to him. "Oh my god! Baby! Your home!! I thought you weren't back until next week?" He asked. "I finished early and decided to surprise you!" I smiled up at him as he smiled back. I went and hugged Tig as well before I went out so that they could handle their business, telling my dad I was gonna go bother the prospect, a.k.a Half sack while they discussed club stuff.
***time Skip***
     It was a little while later that I saw mom pull up in her black car, honking her horn repeatedly until Dad and everyone else came out. She jumped out and started talking to Jax. Apparently, Jax's ex, Wendy, had been taken to the hospital as she had been doing crack while pregnant. We all rushed to the hospital, me riding with mom and giving her a quick hug as we were in a hurry and then we were rushing off to the hospital.
     When we got to st. Thomas' hospital we all ran in and soon we found Tara, who I hadn't known was back in Charming. "What the hell happened?" Jax asked, panic clearly in his voice. "When was the last time you saw her?" Tara responded. "Couple of weeks." Jax wandered as the rest of us stood in the background, just listening to my big brother as he got the news on whether or not his son was ok. "Her hands and feet were full of tracks." Tara explained. Stupid junkie! "Toxicology reports aren't back yet, but it's most likely crank." She finished. Mom was getting edgy so I grabbed her hand to help comfort her and she pulled me into a one armed hug. Jax glances over at where the crank whore lied and we all noticed that her stomach was flat again. No baby. "The baby..." Jax whispered, I could tell he was worried from the sound of his voice. He really wanted this kid. He wanted to be a dad. This situation was putting him through a lot of pain so I used the hand that wasn't holding moms and placed a comforting hand on Jax's shoulder, letting him know that we were there for him in his time of need. "We had to do an emergency C-section. He's 10 weeks premature. "Jesus.." I whispered softly and Jax swore slightly louder. Moms grip tightened when she heard this. She was scared. Tara tried to get Jax to sit while she explained what was going on and what was wrong with the sweet little boy. "Just tell me." Jax refused as he shook his head. Tara let out a defeated sight as she explained the kids condition, telling Jax about how his son had a congenital heart defect as well as having a tear in his stomach as mom let go of me to walk forward and comfort Jax, mentioning their family flaw. Tara said that either one wouldn't do anything to the kid but when the two were together, they could kill the baby. "Dr. Namid gives him a 20% chance, and... I'm afraid that's being optimistic." Tara whispered. Jax looked so defeated. He was so sad. "Oh, my god." Mom whispered as I stepped back to let mother and son be together. I slipped my arm around dad as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissing my head with a sigh. Jax went on to explain how he hadn't known that Wendy was using again before Tara cut him off, exposing that Wendy had missed her last three appointments. Tara then went to explain the path that the doctor wanted to take to help Jax's baby before she apologized. Tara went to lead us to the baby that Jax had taken the liberty of calling Abel but Jax stopped her and whispered with her for a moment before turning to leave. Mom tried to stop him but he just told her to go with Tara to see Abel and then continued walking away, Chibs and Bobby following. Dad, mom and I all walked back with Tara to see the kid.

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