Chapter 1

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'Beep, beep be-' I groan as I click the snooze button on my alarm that says 6:00 a.m. 'two more years' I sigh to myself. Suddenly the sweet, sweet smell of bacon fills my nose. I slowly get off my loved bed, cringing at the freezing floor. I start heading to my bathroom and as I go past the mirror I catch a glimpse of me, and let me just say, the sight that i saw, was not pleasing. After I get ready, which doesn't take long because I just put on mascara and let my blonde hair down in it's natural waves, I head downstairs. The moment I am downstairs, I instantly am crushed into an all too familiar hard chest .Good morning, love, how did you sleep?'. Let me introduce you to Jaxon Merril, my best friend since 5th grade and boyfriend since 8th grade. ''Good morning handsome, I slept well, how about you?' I said 'I seriously have never slept better' he said 'Thats good, I love you' I said ''I love you too beautiful' he said. After he let me go, I got a plate full of bacon and eggs and ate it. 

The minute I got off the bus with Jaxon I was crushed into a hug by my three main girls, Linda, Karizma, and Sadie. You must be wondering how I already have a boyfriend and three main friends, well when I said I recently moved here, I meant I moved here in the beginning of this Summer, and I didn't want to be lonely at the beginning of the school year so I got out, as for my boyfriend, he lives with me and my brother. He moved with us from Virginia because he couldn't be separated from me. After the needed hug that my friends gave me, first period started, I attempted to find the office, but that didn't go so well.

  After searching for the office, I started to run, in a rush because my back started to hurt as my backpack was really heavy. Not seeing where I was going, I ran right into a guy's chest and fell on the floor. 'Well this did not go as planned...' I mumbled. The guy chuckled, helped offered me a hand to help me up. I looked up to see who this guy was, and when I said, this guy was as godly looking as god. His hair was black, and his eyes were these diamond blue color and he had these freckles that traced his cheeks and across his nose.But when I met with his eyes, I felt a fire start in my heart that I could not explain 'Thank you, would you by chance know where the main office is?' I said as he looked into my eyes, he began to say something, but I couldn't hear what he said, but what i made out was the word 'mate', what does that mean? 'I am sorry, what did you say, I couldn't hear you over the bell.' 'Oh, i said that the office is right this way, I have to go their anyways, so you can follow me if you would like' he said while smiling.

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