10 -Day The Eighth-

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-Day The Eighth-

Friday, week 3

"Hey-o, Ray," Ray pried his eyes open at the sound of Martin's voice as he stomped into the house. Martin had never been one for quiet entrances. "I let myself in, hope you don't mind. I brought some... we-hell, what do we have here," he said in a humour filled voice as he entered the room.

"What time is it?" Ray croaked groggily. Lydia pushed her head off his shoulder and sat up straight, running her fingers through her hair.

"It's who's-the-chick-you-slept-with o' clock, buddy," Martin stated, grinning proudly at Ray.

Lydia stood up and adjusted her clothes.

"It's not-" he started to say.

"Do you seriously think that you can talk about me like that when I'm right here?" Lydia cut in sharply. She stood in front of Martin and, although she was almost a foot smaller than him, she stood up straight and narrowed her eyes at him, undeterred. "If you talk about me like that again, I will castrate you and, don't worry, I'll make sure that it's incredibly painful."

Martin exhaled with a whistle. "Damn. Spunky, aren't you? Me and Maura are going to the beach, you coming?" He asked, looking at Ray. Lydia scowled at Martin.

Ray contemplated it. He really couldn't stand his friend, Martin's, girlfriend, Maura. She was a complete bimbo and even her model-like body couldn't save her from being annoying as hell.

"C'mon," Martin pleaded, seeing Ray's expression, "I know it's only been a week but you haven't left the house. You need to get out and see some people," he looked down at Lydia, who had her arms folded across her chest and was looking at Ray, "other than this sociopath."

"I don't murder people, ergo, I'm not a fucking sociopath," Lydia stated in an obvious tone. Ray had to admit that he had always thought sociopaths and psychopaths were the same thing.

"You're a psychopath, then. Piss off."

Lydia scowled and pushed past Martin. Ray noticed that she made sure to step on his flip-flop clad foot as she did so. Ray watched her, making sure that she didn't go towards the front door. She didn't, instead, she went towards the kitchen, in search of a bathroom, Ray guessed.

"Jesus. She's not a morning person, is she?" Martin said, wiggling her toes to make sure they weren't injured.

"She's always like that," Ray told him.

"She's hot."

"Yeah, I like her."

Martin frowned when Ray said that. Then he leaned closer to Ray's face, squinting.

"Jeez, could you not do that?" Ray said, recoiling from the guy.

"You like her?"

"Yeah," Ray answered, shrugging. "What's the problem?"

"She's not really your type."

"I don't have a type," Ray argued.

"Sure, you do. Every girlfriend you've ever had has been a good girl-"

"Yeah and all those relationships failed. I'm getting somewhere with her, don't fuck it up," Ray warned Martin.

Martin grinned and ruffled Ray's hair. "When have I ever fucked up anything for you?"

Lydia walked in, her face free of makeup and her hair looking perfectly neatened. She looked past Martin, ignoring him completely and instead diverted her attention to Ray. "I really have to go, I need to change my clothes before I-"

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