Part six

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"H-Hey! Jack! Whoa!" Sarah cried as Jack grabbed her waist yet again and catapulted both of them into the air.

"What's happening?! Where are we going! Don't let go!" She cried and made sure she had a death grip on Jack's waist as well.

He laughed and continued to soar into the air, not giving her a real answer. She hadn't noticed Jack's outline becoming faintly clear yet, but Jack could see it in her eyes that she was having real fun, probably the kind of fun she hasn't had in a long while.

Sarah looked to where they were going and noticed something glowing in the distance. They rose a bit higher and Sarah saw it was a large, golden cloud that had streams of it going in different directions. She felt a bit sleepy and Jack landed onto the cloud easily, and let her go.

She yawned and sat down onto the cloud, feeling more warmth and at ease. She curled up and Jack snickered as he talked to someone invisible. She didn't listen and ended up falling into a deep sleep, dreaming about playing with her favourite doll while her mother cooked in the kitchen.

The conversation around her was distant, but she could hear faintly anyways, making out odd words.

"....And you say she's almost done fully believing?" Someone's voice said.

She didn't hear a response.

"Well yeah, she's only got me left I guess after you. The dream you're giving her right now I think is helping."

She curled up more and continued to listen.

"Uh huh. I know right? Hey! Her dreams disappearing. She's waking up." She heard as she slowly opened her eyes, seeing little glowing dust fall around her endlessly.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes, smiling at a small, golden man waving at her profusely. She waved back and giggled.

"Hi!" She as she took a handful of sand and stared at it. She felt herself getting sleepy again so she quickly let it go.

"Hmm? Hey Sarah. This is Sandy, or Sandman. Guardian of Dreams." Jack's voice said.

Sarah yawned and stretched.

"It's nice to meet you Sandy. I'm Sarah." Sarah mumbled and watched Sandy for a second, before images and figures appeared over his head.

Sarah titled her head in confusion.

"He says it's an honour to meet you. He watched you dream about your mom and your favourite doll. He also says you haven't dreamt like that in a long time."

Sarah looked down for a moment and nodded.

"'s been a while since I had a really good dream." She admitted quietly.

"Really? Why?" Jack asked, sounding surprised.

Sarah shoved her hands into her coat pockets and kicked away some sand.

"I always had a lot of nightmares when I was a kid. I wasn't...happy at all. I guess having good dreams only came when I was happy, and that was barely there. Dreams weren't really what I had anyways. Sometimes I dreamt of nothing but a black abyss. Even then that was scary too." Sarah responded sadly.

"Pitch." Jack hissed angrily and Sandy patted his invisible arm before floating to where Sarah was.

Sarah watched him do so and he took her had with both of his gold ones with a smile. He patted her hand and an image went over his head to tell her something. She blinked and watched a moon-shape appear from his head, until disappearing and turning into a strange boys head next. Sarah titled her head in confusion and he pointed beside her.

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