Dreams sucks

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I open my eyes to something shinny on my face.

 For a second I'm blind, from all the light on my face. When my eyes finally adjust I can see normal again. There's a small yellow thingy up in the blue sky, where's all the light is coming from.

It must be close to be so bright right? What else could it be? 

I reach for it, trying to turn it off, surprisingly is farther than I thought. Miraculously my brain decided to work and told me it is, in fact, the Sun I'm trying to reach. I let down my reaching arm, hitting my face for my stupidity. 

I sit up, scanning my surroundings. Green grass and yellow flowers are everywhere. A couple of trees are seen  here and there. It looks like a place where Snow White would summon animals to do her work or princes stuff. Still, there's something off about this place, like if something important was taken away. Time pass quickly and the sky changes colors till is black, a couple of stars pop into the sky. There's even a shooting star crossing by.

Something inside me tells me I have been here. Why? How? Alone?

I push aside does questions to enjoy the view

"Beautiful" I say

It wasn't my voice.

I turn my head left, my heart froze. Next to me a boy my age (I guess) sits by my side. He is the most beautiful boy I have ever seen in my entire life, with messy black hair, light green eyes, and beige skinned, wearing a sleeveless white shirt, brown pants, a belt, and cloth around his ankles and wrists. He's looking up into the sky.

I wish he was looking at me

With that thought, a red blush cross my face. Suddenly he face me and I melt. He's even more hotter than I expect. I notice something else, around his face, there's black spots. like................. scales? I am falling in love with a reptilian person?! Something from his hair, like ears (?) stand up

"I wish you were here" He add, with the sweetest smile I have seen in all my existence. I hope he could hear my heart pumping like crazy. Before I could say something, everything disappeared. I find myself standing in what looks like an asian temple. Its made of white wood, a red carpet crosses the rectangular room . At the other side, a woman was kneeling, surrounded by candles of all sizes, facing a woman's statue. She must be praying to it, cause she said amen or something.

Suddenly, the statue gained life and touched the kneeling woman on the forehead and vanished. The woman stand up and turned around. Dark hair tied in a braid, pale ivory skinned, wearing a mixture of a greek toga and a kimono. Everything about her was gorgeous, her body, her face, except her eyes. Bright green. The woman stretched her arm.

"Come here" She command, her voice sounded like if two people where talking at the same time "Come here my little dragon" her voice sounded kind and welcoming, like if she was inviting you to take tea or coffee with her in.

Suddenly, the whole room caught on fire. I try to run at the woman but my feet where stuck on the floor.

"Why did you abandon us?!" The woman yelled, both sadness and madness on her words

"I'm not" I yell back trying to move

"It's all your fault we're dead" She yells back again, this time tons of voices yell those words, like if a whole crowd of people made the same question

That phrase hit me hard, wondering if this woman knows what happened to me, or what did I do.The woman turns into a ball of fire and shoots at me.

My vision shifts once more, but this time I'm in complete darkness.

A million questions race my mind 

Who was she? Who was he? What the hell is going on? 

My minds stops for the voice of someone nearby. I crash on something sticky and hard.

A spiderweb.

"You must be hiding somewhere down there, little fly" A raspy voice say, almost inhuman, still women-alike "Sooner or later you will fly directly into my web"

Something lands inches to my face. Who ever is talking is now so close to my face I can fill their breath, cold and poisonous.

"After all" She continue " The last human alive must taste delicious

I scream

The last human aliveWhere stories live. Discover now