This Is Me

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AN: Surprise update! I'm surprise: this story has almost as many reviews as "The Duchess" with roughly 40 reviews more (on! It's gonna be my second most reviewed story and I'm speechless! Thanks for the support!

Oh, have it ready to play "This is me" by Keala Settle from the amazing movie: "The Greatest Showman". 💙


Love In The Ice


"Why are we meeting your father here?" Juvia asked when she and Gray were going up on an elevator. Earlier that day Gray had told her his father was in town and had to see them so they drove to an apartment complex a few blocks from Gray's apartment.

"I don't know." Gray shrugged and the blunette took his hand and he squeezed it reassuringly. It had been a week since her attack and she was still a little shaken up, but her bruises looked much better than before. The elevator's doors opened and they took the left and Gray pointed to a door. "Apartment 13B, that's the place he's waiting for us."

He knocked on the door and heard his father's voice telling them to come inside.

It was a small, but nice empty apartment and Silver stood, in his suit – it was the first time Juvia had seen him in one – talking on the phone and he raised a finger to tell them he's be done in a moment.

Juvia looked around, but didn't stray from her boyfriend's side. Gray also didn't know what his father wanted, so they waited.

"Sorry about that. Business." Silver told them and then smiled at them. "Hello, my dear." The older Fullbuster took a few steps in Juvia's direction and the blunette let go of her boyfriend to receive his hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You look much better."

"Hello, Silver-sama. And thank you, Juvia feels better as well."

"That's good." Silver nodded and then turned to his son and gave him a fatherly hug, patting him on the back. "Hey there, kiddo."

"Hi, dad." Gray answered and received a kiss on the top of the head from his father. "Alright, alright, that's enough." Gray rolled his eyes.

"Do you see how he treats me, Juvia-chan?" Silver pretended to be hurt and she giggled. "I thought he'd be better at this after he got himself a good girlfriend, but I guess things some things never change." He sighed in fake disappointment.

"Well, Silver-sama, Juvia can guarantee you she's doing everything she can to make him open up more."

"And I thank you for it."

"Okay, enough about me." Gray interrupted the both of them, slightly annoyed. "I know we are going to lunch after this, but why did you want to meet us here?"

"Well..." Silver cleared his throat and became serious. "I understand you are still at Gray's since last week, isn't it right, Juvia-chan?"

Not expecting the question, it took Juvia a moment to answer. "Uh... yes. Juvia has been there to get some things she needed, but we both decided" she glanced at Gray "that a few more days away from there would be best."

"I told you, I don't think she feels safe in there." Gray said and Juvia frowned at him – did he tell his father about that? "Sorry, they call to check in on me and you and I said once how I thought you were still a little scared to stay there."

Juvia knew he didn't do it to make her sound weak, he was just reporting to his parents, whom liked Juvia very much, so she just nodded in agreement.

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