Chapter Sixteen: Loyalties

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Jungkook wakes up to knocking. He looks at the window, sees the sun barely peeking over the horizon and curses.

"Who is it?"

"Namjoon. Wake the fuck up," he growls before Jungkook rolls out of bed, throwing his clothes on quickly and covering Taehyung with the bedcovers. He hurries to the door and opens it quietly, looking at Namjoon with concern in his eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" Jungkook asks and Namjoon puts a finger to his lips in a gesture that demands silence. Jungkook nods and follows his elder down the hall to an abandoned room on the fourth floor where the other lieutenants are gathered, all with grave expressions on their faces, "Morning, guys..."

"So, first things first: You and Taehyung are lovers, aren't you?" Namjoon says, and Jungkook feels his body go rigid. He looks at their faces, pausing on Yoongi's expressionless gaze. What should he do? What should he say? He's trusted these guys all his life, but if they tell Mr. Kim... Jungkook looks at Namjoon, trying to understand the look in his eyes.

"If I say much shit am I going to go through?" Jungkook hesitantly replies, and Namjoon slowly smiles, relief flashing on his face.

"None, Jungkook. I already knew that was true. Yoongi told me, but it helps me understand where you stand," Namjoon says, leaning back against the wall with his arms crossed. Jungkook is too tired, and too caffeine-deprived for Namjoon's cryptic riddles.

"Where I stand? What are you talking about?"

"Your loyalties. You aren't loyal to Mr. Kim," Namjoon states, and now Jungkook really hesitates. To tell the other lieutenants he has no desire to be loyal to a man who beats his son and threatens murder can be suicidal. His silence and rigid demeanor have Namjoon sighing, "Jungkook...things are changing around here, and we need to know who you're loyal to,"

Jungkook stares over them silently. He doesn't know what to do, or what to say, and he desperately wishes he didn't get up this morning. His mind races over and over again, and finally he sighs.

"My loyalties lie in you, Namjoon. If you tell me to follow every one of Mr. Kim's commands, I will. If you tell me to abandon him, I will. You have always done what was right by all of us, and I trust you with my life. All I ask is that you try to keep Taehyung safe...try to set him free..." Jungkook exclaims, and for a moment the whole room is silent. The other guys just stare at him and he holds his body rigid, trying not to flinch away from the cold stares, breathing normally even though he fears a bullet at any second.

Finally, Jin smiles and gives him a hug, "Good answer, Kookie. Good answer," he chimes, causing the others to smile as well.

"It's too soon for us to tell you what's going on-especially since you need to focus on V's mission-but soon. You'll know soon enough," Namjoon says and Jungkook slowly smiles.

"So, I'm not gonna get shot?" he retorts and Yoongi laughs.

"No. No, you're not gonna get shot, brother. We just needed to make sure we were all on the same page. If you said that you would only follow Mr. Kim or Taehyung, then we may've had a problem. But you trust us. And Namjoon, and that's important," he exclaims, and Jungkook grins.

"Thanks...speaking of Taehyung, I need to get him up," Jungkook says and Namjoon nods.

"We'll meet in the pool house again. Are you up for sparring today?" he asks Jungkook, and instantly he freezes. Images of him punching Taehyung in the study flash through his mind, and he takes a deep breath, controlling the overwhelming self-loathing and guilt. Jungkook shakes his head.

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