Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9

Day two of high school and I'm already used to it. Walking to each class in the specific order of my schedule became a routine. A really weird routine of actually attending a real and normal high school.

And normal for me was rare.

I've learned all the things were learning now in each class. We take a class that's literally two years long at ICI, before we can start the real training. But it was nothing like this. It was nothing like high school.

Right now I was in the middle of gym, as the coaches yelled at us to run. We were on the track in oversized t shirts and baggy shorts as I was surrounded by sweaty bodies and heavy breathing. I was totally living the high school life.

Luckily I got to share the fun with all of my teammates; Cameron, Parker, Johanna, and Tilly. We all has PE the same hour. I ran with Katie Sanders who though wore skirts and frills, was actually an interesting and different person that I enjoyed talking to.

She reminded me of one of those really loyal friends in the movies; which actually never happened in reality. She was kind, and funny, and she could read people really well.

I instantly knew that I liked this Katie Sanders and I wouldn't mind having a lot of classes with her. It's better than those gossip-sick girls who drool over every attractive guy they've came across.

It's crazy, the amount of them that I've seen, and it's only been two days.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Danni running up behind me. But unlike his usual kind self, I'm greeted by a wink and then the back of his head, as he starts to sprint in front of me. I roll my eyes. If only I wasn't competitive.

Katie chuckles as I take off too, after Danni. Once I catch up to him, I shove him a little to the side and start to run in front of him. A slight laugh comes from Danni in the mixture of paces breaths, followed by the louder sound of his footsteps.

And soon, it's him and me, and were racing to the finishing point of the mile. I don't take my energy to glance at Danni, as my eyes are focused on the numbers from one to six scattered across the white line a few meters away from me. I run with all that I have as fast as I can, but Danni still manages to keep up.

Which is weird and flabbergasting, because in the years of hard training at ICI, I was always one of the most fastest runner of the agents, my time for a mile 4.3 minutes, almost actually beating the world record for the mile by some seconds. I'm not sure how I knew that.

Once I step on the finish line, I turn to see where Danni stands, and I find his right toe on the line parallel to mine. My jaw parts open as we halt to the stop, the only sound of Danni and my contrasting breaths of inhales and exhales.

"Dang, you're fast." Is all that he says, an impressed look plastered over his face.

"So are you." I say, bewildered. "Do you like run, for sport?"

"Nope." He shakes his head.

I bend over and set my hands on my knees, wiping the sweat that creases on my forehead.

"Wow." I say. I'm rewarded with a hearty chuckle.

"Hey racers." Smirks Tilly as she crosses the finish line, her ponytail a little lopsided.

"Hi." We both greet her, out of breath.

Soon, the rest of my team is crossing the line, all goofy looks on their faces as they see Danni. But Cameron doesn't share one, as he looks casually to Danni and raises an eyebrow. I mentally thank him for not silently mocking me.

"Um Danni, this is Verity, Sam, Derek, and Tristan." I introduce them awkwardly. "My...friends."

Danni nods at each of them. "That's a little funny. All of you guys are new this year and you're all friends." We wait for his reaction cautiously. But luckily he just chuckles freely.

"Haha, so weird, right?" I laugh, exchanging looks with my teammates.

"I'll see you in History." Danni smiles to me, then waves to everyone else, catching up to some guy who's probably his friend.

"He's not onto us, right?" Johanna asks suspiciously.

"No." I say a little two quickly. "He's know...really honest."

"Honest, huh?" Cameron raises an eyebrow.

"Yes. Honest." I confirm it as we walk back to the lockers. Danni is very honest.

In art, we were working on the first painting of the year, but no one was actually painting. Instead, we sat on the stools in front of our canvas, everyone socializing. Katie walked over to my canvas, taking a look at the big white paper.

"It's beautiful." She says sarcastically.

"Very." I roll my eyes.

All that was on my paper was a thick black line. People said it was just a line. I say it's a...border. Yes, a border.

Katie takes a seat in one of the stools next to mine, twirling her paint brush in between her fingers.

"Why is Tristan looking at us?" She asks me.

"Huh?" I say, distracted, but then turn to see Cameron giving me a concerned look.

"Um, good question." I reply.

"You know, everyone has been talking about him."

"They have?" I say, surprised. That's the last thing we all wanted; attention.

"Yeah. Apparently Tristan has became very popular. And he's only been here for two days. But I don't blame him, he's very attractive, after all." She says thoughtfully.
Well, Cameron's explanation of the stares just got more confident.

"But mostly I've heard people talking another who he likes."

This catches my attention. "Who is it?" I ask.

If I knew who he liked, then I could tease him about it just how they teased me about Danni. But of course my team was just being childish and this whole crush thing is a joke to them as much as it is to me. And then again, Cameron actually never brought up Danni to me, so maybe I should cut him some slack.

But that wouldn't be fun.


You little devious spy you. And I mean, used to high school, what?

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