Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13

I never noticed how boring our backyard was. It was all grass; every inch of it. No patio, no playground, no garden. Just the green grass, which now that I think of it, needed to be cut. I rolled over on my back and turned away from the window, looking at the bulging backpack that rested against the door frame, keeping it closed.

It's been a week since school started; or when the mission started, and I'm completely exhausted. Danni hasn't been talking to me much, the team has been a little rough, and I've gotten used to high school. I've gotten used to the people, the classes, the amount of homework given. But have I found anything about the mission? Not really, just some minor things that need other clues to rely on. But I haven't found those clues yet.

I sigh and rub my eyes with my hands, as I laid on my bed, curled up into a ball.

Why was this harder than I thought? Why is the mission moving so slow? Why is it morphing into high school itself?

There's a quiet knock at the door which I barely hear. I tell the door that it's open, and then it creaks open, revealing Mr. Collins; he's wearing his work clothes like always.

"Hello Serena." he smiles to me, studying my position.

"Hey Mr. Collins." I try to look happy, but it results into a sad smile.

"How's your mission going?" he asks, concerned like the father I never really had.

"Great. Just great." I sigh, letting my hand fall off my bed, as it hangs there, vulnerable. "Can I ask you a question?"


"Have you ever waited for something so long and then when it finally arrives, it's not what you expected?" I say.

Mr. Collins thinks it over and stares out the window that has my curtains pulled to the side, revealing our boring green yard that needs a trim.

"I suppose so." he shrugs his shoulders, leaning against the door frame in a fancy manner even if leaning wasn't considered fancy. Mr. Collins made everything seem

"Honestly, Mr. Collins, this mission is, well, I'm struggling." I admit, stuffing my face into a pillow, letting out a deep breath.

"First missions are always this challenging, Serena." he tells me. "I know you'll succeed though. You're just like your parents."

"I barely knew my parents." I respond harshly, but then all the few memories that you can count on one hand surfaces to the top of my mind.

"I did. And very well. You're just like them." he smiles; which was rare for a man like Mr. Collins.

"What were they like?" I ask. "My parents?"

"They were very determined. Serious. Competitive." he tells me. "Being a spy was everything for them, Serena. That is until they had you."

"So I just ruined their spy life? Is that why know...left?" I ask.

"There's more to the story, Serena." Mr. Collins shakes his head. "You only have part of it."

"So then give me the rest." I reply anxiously, though we both knew answers were out of the question.

"It's not my right to tell you." he says apologize.

"Than why am I here? Why is Parker and I here, at your house? Why do we live with you?" I question him, frustrated.

"Because I was a good friend of your parents. But I didn't have anything to do with why they left. That's someone else's business." he explains.

"I'm tired of only knowing half of the story." I shake my head. "I've been re-reading it for ten years. It's getting old."

"It isn't the right time yet."

"There's never a right time."

There's a moment of silence as we both stare at one another, trying to break the barrier through each others' thoughts. He raises his eyebrows slightly, creating the dense crease curve across his forehead.

I don't watch as Mr. Collins leaves my room, followed by the cut-off bang of the door closing behind him. I run my hands through my hair and stand up.

I can't just stay here forever. I need to get out.

So I throw on some sweats and t-shirt and pull my annoying brown hair into a ponytail, silently walking out and hopping into my black car, not the silly yellow slug bug that I take to school, dressed in my fake personality.

I find myself in ICI's training center. It's empty, literally empty; I'm the only one who stands in the huge spacious room, my footsteps echoing, the sound bouncing off the walls. I hastily throw on some boxing gloves and start punching the dummy, letting out everything on this lifeless figure that holds no potential. With every punch released, anger is released, and it feels good.

All I could hear was the sound of my grunts and my boxing glove meeting rubber, contracting off the dummy's face. If this was a real person, well lets just say their face would be very messed up.

"Having fun there?" a voice says, making me jump back and into stance; a reflex that's grown on me.

It's Cameron, as he also wears a pair of boxing gloves on his hands.

"Why are you here?" I say a little too harshly.

"Because I'm kind of an agent here." he replies.

I roll my eyes and walk over to my bag, pulling out my water bottle. Cameron walks over to the dummy I was practicing on, sending some uppercuts and swings towards the dummy's face. I debate whether leaving or staying, but once I see Cameron send a kick to the dummy, I decide to stay.

"That's all that you've got?" I question, walking over to Cameron and the dummy.

"Like you could do better." he scoffs, a mischievous smile curled at the corners of his lips.

"Are you challenging me?" I raise an eyebrow, crossing the big boxing gloves over my chest.


I send an unexpected punch towards Cameron, who though was startled, blocks it anyways. He smiles again and sends an undercut, which I block with one hand. We stand there, blocking our faces and trying to punch each other. Cameron sends another punch at the same time that I send mine, and he ends up hitting me in the cheek.

I back away dramatically, holding up a boxing glove to my cheek, letting out a gasp. I close my eyes tightly and shrink to the ground.

"Serena?" Cameron's superior tone is replaced with a worried one."Are you okay?"

I let out another gasp and open my eyes to find Cameron leaning down to me, a concerned look on his face. I look up to him, not realizing how close we were. There's a moment where I didn't know what was happening, but I quickly got rid of the irrelevant thoughts.

Before letting out a laugh, I kick his ankle as he's not prepared, and watch him trip and fall on his butt.

"Hey!" he yells, followed by a grunt when he hits the bottom of the mat.

We still sit on the ground as I remove my boxing glove from my face, smirking evilly at his fall.

"I can't believe you actually fell for that." I shake my head, still chuckling.

"I can't believe I fell for that either." he shakes his head too.

"Yeah, I won." I declare, standing up and removing my boxing gloves while throwing them back into the basket.

"I don't think so." Cameron replies, but before I can ask him what he means, I feel arms yank me back, and Cameron and I both end up on our butts.

"You're despicable." I shake my head.

"And you're too easy." he smirks.

I roll my eyes, but can't help to smile at Cameron's lack of maturity. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

Probably both.


I know how much you guys love Cameron so why not write this for my lovely readers?

Comment below why Cameron is your favorite (unless you fancy Danni because he is pretty adorbs).

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