Steve and Danny Getting Sexy With Each Other

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Steve and Danny are at HQ, Danny ask Steve wanna come over to my house for a little bit? Steve said sure and do what? Danny said come over and drink beer, After Work,

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Steve and Danny are at HQ,
Danny ask Steve wanna come over to my house for a little bit?
Steve said sure and do what?
Danny said come over and drink beer,
After Work,

Steve comes over to Danny's House,
He gets there and he knocks on the door and Danny lets him in and Steve goes in and they go upstairs to his bedroom while they are going up the stairs they are holding beer for one of each and got a cooler of beer so they won't have to go back down to get anymore and bowl of popcorn 🍿,

Steve ask Danny what movie are we watching?
Danny said we are watching The Greatest Showman,
Steve said I been wanna watch this movie,

The Movie is Over,
Steve is drunk and Danny is kinda drunk,
So Steve starts to kiss Danny,
Danny is kissing Steve back,
Steve and Danny are still at Danny's House,
Steve and Danny are laying in Danny's bed and Danny is kinda sideways and Steve is kinda on top of him (Just Like the Pic On Top)
Danny says to Steve how about we do more sexy stuff,

Steve said like what?
Danny said how about we unzip our pants and fold the top of them and have sex that way?
Steve said sure and I love that idea,
So Danny and Steve unzip there pants and un buttons there pants then they start to having sex,

So Danny is on top of Steve's junk and Steve is under Danny's junk,
Danny said we could make this more fun?
Steve said how so?
Danny said to Steve you could first you could push down on top of my pants on my cock then reach you hands in my pants and push against it (like push it down)

Steve said I actually like that,
So Steve starts to put his hands on top of Danny's pants and start push against on Danny's cock then he starts to put  his hands in Danny's pants and starts to push down on his cock and Danny said oh wow and that feels good and that will be both time you push down felt good,

Steve said I am glad that you enjoyed that,
Danny said you could put you hands again down my pants and start pulling on my junk,
Steve said yes I could do that and I also could do is make it hurt so bad that you can't move for the next couple of days,
Danny said I love that,
Steve said I guess I got work to do on you,
Danny said I guess you do,
So Steve gets in front of Danny and puts his hands in Danny's underwear then he is touching Danny's dick and start to pull on it and he is pulling back and forth and then he beating the crap out of it and he is hitting it so hard that way Danny won't be able to move,
Danny's said oh wow that feels good,
So Steve is done hitting Danny,
Steve ask Danny can you move?
Danny said no I can't and you did you job good and I might not be coming in to work for a little while,

Steve said I figured that and I will tell the team you don't feel good,
Danny said and also tell them don't come over as well and one more thing Steve?
Steve said I will and what else do you need before I go?
Danny said can you go in the kitchen and get me a ice pack?
Steve said sure,

So Steve goes in the kitchen and goes in the freezer and grabs a ice pack and close the freezer door and goes back to Danny and hands him the ice pack,
Danny said thank you and he puts it on top of his pants but in the crouch area,
Steve is Watching him put it where it hurts,
Danny said you did really good job of hurting me,

Steve said you ask me to hurt you and you be able to move in the next couple of days,
Danny said that's is true and kiss me goodbye,
So Steve leans in to Danny and kiss him goodbye and if you need anything please call me,

Danny said of course I will babe,
Steve leave Danny alone.
Steve gets in the car and drive to HQ,
He gets there and gets out of the car and lock the doors and goes straight up to HQ and he finally gets there,

Steve said hey everyone,
EverOne is looking a Steve,
Tani said Where is Danny?
Steve said he don't feel good and he don't want anyone to come near him,
Chin and Lou and junior is looking at each other and looking at Steve,
Junior said what's wrong with Danny?
Steve said he has the flu,
Chin said oh really?
Lou said you have to tell me Danny Williams

has the flu?
Steve said yes he dose,
Kono said where is Danny?
Chin tells Kono Steve said Danny has the flu,
Kono said oh that can't be right and i just talk to him last night and he told me he has to go because somebody was at his house?
Chin said did he tell you who it was?
Kono is looking at Steve while she is saying this to chin, no he did not,
Chin said who could have came over to his house that Danny won't tell you?
Kono said I think it was Steve who came over to Danny's House,

Chin said why do you say that,
Kono said cause I think Steve is lying where Danny really feels,
Chin said I think you might be right,
Kono said we can ask him later in front of

EverOne in HQ,
Chin said yes we can and I don't like to keep secrets from family and we are family,
Kono said yes we are,
Chin said we got to catch them in the act,
Kono said good idea and we can ask junior and Tani and Lou help?
Chin said I love it and we can ask them when we all alone,

Kono said how are we gonna to do that?
Chin said when the time is right,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2018 ⏰

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