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((So ive rewatched some woy episodes and eventually i had a idea of lord hater taking care of a toddler wander but i changed it to a villain reader instead.

So i hope yall have fun readin))

"(Sir/ma'am)?" Your right hand man/gal had asked with fear in her voice since they had interrupted your work "what is it (t/n)? ((their name))" you said with annoyance, clearly you where upset about being so rudely interrupted.

"Wander is asking for you..." They spoke, you sigh "cant this wait?" You said with venom going through your teeth "im afraid n-not" they said again, you stood up and slowly turned your head to see them trembling.

You smiled wickedly as you walked to them, they looked up as you tower over them. Being extremely tall does make you very intimidating "very well then, ill go see what the little furrball wants. You however will continue my work while im away" you said as they nod furiously "y-yes (sir/ma'am)!" They said in a salute and went to your desk to continue where you had left off still feeling your gaze.

You walked out of the room and into the hall the automatic door shutting behind you as you leave, the halls are indeed empty but you can hear your army marching,working, and training.

You walked down the corridor as some parts of the walls light up (f/c) lighting everything up so you can see, you walked to the dungeon or whatever people call them in space ships.

Almost every cell was empty except one, it was bigger and was made nicer then any of the other cells. Like a actual comfortable bed and some toys scattered about, a rug, and pretty decent lights.
A certain star nomad who is nearly 5 years old is sitting on the floor drawing on old paper with broken crayons, even though he is sitting in a cell he looked very happy.
"What do you want pipsqueak?" You said in frustration as well as wearing a very annoyed expression, he looks up at you with big eyes that are nearly vert sparkly showing how happy he is to see you.

He wasnt at all afraid of you no matter how tall or angry you looked, he was still happy to see you. Even as a young child he still dont know his current situation or what you had done to his original home planet " look (ma/pa) i made you a drawin!" Wander said happily holding out a little drawing through the bars keeping him in his so called 'room'

You raised a eyebrow as you took the picture from his small hands and looked at the slightly torn peice of paper, it was a picture of you holding wanders hand with the words "i love my (ma/pa)" written in green crayon with some stars here and there.
It was kinda sweet but your cold heart wasnt at all warmed by the small gift that the small boy.
You crushed the paper in your hand "do not ever interrupt my work for something so silly as a picture" you said sternly as you walked away, wanders gaze followed you as you leave the dungeon.

He didnt feel sadness, he didnt feel unloved. He felt happy like he was, you took the picture anyways instead of ripping it to shreads or putting it back in his 'room'. He went on to make more pictures not just for you but for everyone else in the ship.

You walked back in the room as your right hand (gal/man) had finished your work, you sat down to start giving looking at the computer and see if there is other planets nearby you havent concur yet. "I-is there anything else you would like me to do (sir/ma'am)?" (T/n) asks standing straight and slightly sweating.

"Yes.." You handed the crumpled up drawing that wander gave you. "Put this somewhere where it dose not get ruined" you said not looking away from the computer screen "um...l-like where?" "A folder or a book it dosent really matter. Now leave me be" you said waving your hand to dismiss them.

They left the room and did as they where told, they put the picture in a little folder that had wanders name on it and put the folder away where you do not get it confused with the other folders you have.

((Im not good at doing villain roles im so sorry XD))

((edit: i just realized my dumbass put begging instead of beginning lol XD))

kid!wander x villain!parent!readerWhere stories live. Discover now