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After the previous incident involving wander you had to keep 2 soldiers to guard wanders cell so he wont somehow sneak out and do god knows what and bother you all the time.

You wonder why did you even spared that little fuzball in the 1st place.
"(T/n) bring wander here" you ordered "a-ah! Y-yes (sir/ma'am)!" They said as they quickly leave to fetch wander.
To prevent this to happen again, you have to teach him how to be evil just like you. Maybe he could even concur more planets then you some day... You suddenly feel pride on the thought.

The automatic doors open as little wander skips in followed by (t/n) "i brought him.." "Good now leave us be" you said firmly "yes (sir/ma'am)" they said as they leave.
You looked at wander, he was rocking back and forth still standing up and has this big smile on his face "have a seat pipsqueak" you said, wander runs over to a empty chair and struggles to get up on it since he is pretty small... And the chairs are pretty high up.
You sighed and got up, only to easily pick wander up and set him in the chair.

Wander kept his smile on as you went back to sit down "today im going to teach you how to be evil." "Like you (ma/pa)?" "Thats right pipsqueak" you said with a grin.

"Lets start off with something simple" you said as you picked up a flower off the table, you had picked it in the last planet just for this lesson alone. "What is this?" You asked the 4 year old "a pretty flower!" His eyes sparkled "correct and what do evil people do to flowers?" You asked handing wander the flower to show you a example.

Wander became quiet as he looked at the pretty flower "you smell them!" He said happily sniffing the flower "it smells nice" wander smiled. You face palm "no furball, villains dont sniff flowers" you said frustrated, wander looked at you confused as you took the flower from wanders grasp and crushed it in your hand "flowers need to be crushed underneath our feet not to just stop and sniff them" you said opening your hand and the petals fall on the floor.

Wander watches the petals fall on the ground and his eyes tear up "b-but..." Tears started running down his face as he looks at you with big glossy eyes "but it was a pretty flowerrr!" He sobbed, you froze.

Wander never cried, i mean he did give you puppy dog looks before but he never cried.
It made you feel weird, like you never really heard a baby cry let alone a child cry.
It made you REALLY uncomfortable "ok ok im sorry just stop crying!" You yelled, wander continues to cry as you had gotten a headache from his loud sobbing.
You groan and call (t/n) to come in the room "get wander a new flower so he can stop his crying!" You yell making them leave quickly, you looked at wander. His face is damp from his tears and he wipes some away with his palms, he sniffs and whimpered after his loud sobbing calmed down.

"I-im back (sir/ma'am)!" They yelled holding a flower pot with the same looking flower inside, they hand it to you and then you handed it to wander. Wander sniffed and looked at the flower in the pot "here, now stop with the water works" you said angrily, wander smiled and took the flower pot out of your hands "the pretty flower is ok!!" He happily said, he sat the pot down on the table before he stood up on the chair and gave you a big hug.

To be truly honest you had never received a hug before so you didnt know what to do exactly, you only pat his head.
He lets go of you before climbing down and getting the flower pot.
You ordered (t/n) to take wander back to his cell shortly after.

Now you have to think of how the florp do you teach the kid how to be evil... Without making the furball cry.

((Edit: i tried to fix some mistakes in this chapter but i might missed some, im very tired today XD

just to let yall know that im up for requests and such but idk when ill do em. Ill do them eventually))

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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