The mountain's mind (Chapter 2)

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Maybe I should have sought MewTwo, for the sake of getting some answers. Looking back on it, I could have. Wherever he went, his reputation preceded him. All I had to do was follow the trail, right? That's what I told myself as I lay in the sun, considering the many ways that I could contact him. I stood up, swiftly dusting myself off. After a second of consideration, I decide to go to the mountain range a few miles away. I set off at a brisk pace. This week had went much better. I hadn't heard MewTwo's voice since I had seen the trainer. Several days of rigorous training and meditation had hopefully got rid of that little problem.

Soon, I had neared the foot of the mountain. Unable to resist the temptation, I focused my energy into the balls of my feet. With a slight grunt, I forced the energy to leave my body, taking my weight with it. I let myself levitate up to the summit. Seeing a small plateau, I let the energy flood back into my body. After I landed, I sat down on the plateau, preparing to meditate.

I relaxed, preparing to meditate. A sharp crash of lightning made my eyes snap open, wary of the nearly deafening sound. Looking up, I noticed the menacing storm clouds above the mountain. Well, mountain weather IS unpredictable, after all. But something about the clouds intrigued me. Was it the shape, or the colour....

I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't notice the approaching trainer and their Alakazam until the trainer yelled "Alakazam, use hypnotize!" Easily blocking the pathetic excuse of a psychic attack, I stood. At 4ft, I wasn't exactly intimidating, but I gave them my signature glare before sighing.

Reaching out with my mind, I felt every living thing near me. I could feel them breathing, existing. But I didn't want them. I reached further and finally felt something respond. Something much older than any creature here. I sent a barrage of mental pushes at this entity. Soon, it gave in, succumbing to my will. I opened my eyes, the trainer was still yelling at his nervous Alakazam to do something. I made a swiping motion in front of me and, in sync with my action, spires of rock shot out of the ground and wrapped around the trainer's legs, along with the Alakazam's.

The trainer's silence was welcome, but the Alakazam's questioning expression was confusing.

"How is it that you control not only the mind, but also the earth?" He inquired.

"Simply," I shot back, annoyed by his stare.

-Silence him...

Shaking my head, I look around, even though I knew that no one had spoken the words. This voice was a problem. What it was telling me to do was just plain crazy. But it sounded so sure of itself... I decided to leave the issue until later and upon turning back to the Alakazam, I was shocked at what I saw. His eyes were ripped out, dangling from the sockets on gossamer-thing strands of nerve. The rock spines that had once wrapped around his calves had grown, spearing his legs and exiting through his lower back. I looked around for his spoons, which acted as a type of memory card for his memories.

I found them still in his hands, which happened to be torn off and thrown some distance away. I jogged towards them, bending down to observe the state of the spoons and their....counterpart. Cracked and bloody, the held no resemblance to their previous condition. I tried to pry them from the stiffening fingers, but to no avail. Instead, I chose to simply grasp the edge of one of the spoons. I gasped as I saw Alakazam's memories. An image of me, eyes glowing deep red, the earth rippling around me. What had I done? Fear coursed through my body as I stared at the spoons.

I turned back to the gruesome scene, searching for the trainer. All I could find was a torn, blood soaked jacket with several badges pinned to the front. I plucked them out of the fabric, rolling them around in my hand before dropping most of them on the ground, keeping one in my hand. A small piece of flesh was attached to the badge. Disgusted, I threw it with all my might. I paced back to Alakazam's spoons. With a flick of my wrist, the spoons shattered into shards light enough to be blown away by the wind.

No one could know. There had to be no evidence. I concentrated on the fading energy in Alakazam's corpse, willing the energy to amplify. Within seconds, the corpse reached it's limit, the energy overflowing. Without warning, the corpse ignited into deep blue flames, a hint of purple in the centre. The body burned quickly. I sprinted down the mountain, dislodging boulders., desperate to flee from the gruesome scene.

By the time I reached the foot of the mountain, I was sweating and breathless. But I couldn't help but feel terrified. Was I going insane? I took a deep breath and calmed myself, banishing my emotions to a corner of my mind, for the moment. I looked back up at the mountain, towards the summit. I closed my eyes for a moment, before turning and walking away. I kept walking until my feet were bloody. I had to get away from the atrocities I'd committed. And I did. At least, that's what I told myself.

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