Nightmare (Chapter 4)

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That was the only thing I could think, sprinting for my life. Mere inches behind me, a coiling black mist showed no signs of tiring. I shot a glance at my surroundings, unsure of where I was. Thick trees zipped past, an occasional branch reaching out to scratch my already bleeding face. Definitely a forest, but which one? Forests made up a large chunk of every region, so it could be any of the innumerable pockets of forest. Almost tripping on a tree root, I felt something cold lightly touching my back. I focused back on running and sped up, disgust and fear fuelling me. What else could I do? Let this thing take me someplace dark and evil? A surge of adrenaline forced me to run even faster. My leg muscles screamed, but I ignored the strain. The trees seemed to close in on me, creating a dark tunnel with just a hint of light in the distance.

Hope bloomed in my chest, giving me newfound stamina. Slapping away clawing branches, I tried to go faster. With a loud snapping sound, branches rose out of the path, tripping me. My hope swiftly turned into dread as I fell towards the leafy forest floor. I lay still, hoping that the ...the....thing, whatever it was, would just pass and leave me be. No such luck. A low chuckle was the only warning I got before I was covered in a thick black mist, weighing me down like a demonic paperweight. My arms and legs felt so tired. I couldn't go on. Closing my eyes, I prepared myself for whatever I was going to have to endure.

Suddenly, the tiredness in my body just vanished. My leg muscles were still radiating pain, but to a lesser extent. And the weight was gone. Opening my eyes, instead of a claustrophobic, show-filled tree tunnel, I was greeted by a clear blue sky. I sighed, another nightmare. A small squeaking reminded me of my new travel-buddy. "Don't worry," I yawned, stroking Pecha's smooth head, "Just a nightmare". It had been two weeks since I had created Pecha, an amazing achievement on my part. Annoyingly, the energy drain from his creation left me with constant nightmares. This night had been no different.

Sighing, I pulled myself off the ground. A conversation drifted into my ears. After a second's consideration, I listened in, hoping for something to amuse me and distract me from the memories of my nightmare.

"Hey, bro! I got my first badge, look."

The young trainer's voice was positively bursting with joy, right down to the core.


The voice of the older trainer took me aback. Instead of congratulating the younger trainer, the only words from the older trainer's mouth were filled with malice, arrogance and a condescending tone.

"You think I care?"

I looked towards the sound of the trainers' conversation, just in time to see the older trainer open his jacket, exposing rows of badges on the inside.

"Look here, twerp. I get a new badge every day. I have an entire fan club dedicated to me. I am more know than you ever will be."

I saw the younger trainer's face drop, hope shattered. I tuned into his thoughts, curious about him.


-Why is he talking to me like this?

-Does he hate me?

I tuned out, Not wanting to hear anymore. Anger filled me. Why should the mighty look down on the weak? I paced towards the trainers, determination practically oozing from my pores. The looks of confusion was evident in the trainers' eyes. I focused on the badges still on show, inside the older trainer's jacket. With a simple slicing motion, I commanded the badged to rip themselves from the fabric and collect into a floating ball above my outstretched palm.


I didn't allow the older trainer to finish the sentence. With a surge of fury, my mind was filled with screaming and scratching, a thousand voices begging for justice to be served.

-Do it!

-He deserves it!

-Serve true justice!

I smiled sickly, this had to be done. And I was the only one who's could do it. I forced the badges to separate and line my arm like miniature missiles. After a second, I let them shoot towards the older trainer, whistling through the air at an almost imperceptible speed. The screams of pain were met by a manic laugh emanating from my throat. Where was this coming from? Tears filled my eyes, I wasn't supposed to be laughing. I wasn't supposed to do this.

I turned away, oblivious to the cries of the younger trainer. I ran. For the second time in less than an hour, I ran from my demons.

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