101 Things To Do In An Elevator

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#1 Say meow quietly, and when others look at you pretend you didn't do it

#2 When it is full of people say in a loud voice, "Now you've all been wondering why I brought you here....."

#3 Discuss with other passengers the amazingly high rate of elevator accidents

#4 With a bunch of friends bring a picnic basket and blanket. Every time someone walks in raise your glasses and make a toast to them.

#5 Offer to press the buttons for other people, then press all of them.

#6 Bring a pillow and fall asleep against the wall.

#7 When you go in scramble to the wall or beam and hold on for dear life.

#8 Start rapping about how escalators are much cooler.

#9 Put the song "Talk Dirty To Me" on iPod loud enough that everyone can hear it, and go around giving everyone dirty looks.

#10 Bring a desk and chair and whenever people come in ask if they have an appointment.

#11 When you walk in exclaim, "It's bigger on the inside!"

#12 Curl up into a ball in the corner, and if anyone asks if you're okay, hiss at them.

#13 Lay down a Twister mat and ask if anyone would like to play.

#14 Pretend you're a flight attendant and go over safety procedures.

#15 Smack your head while saying angrily "Shut up, just shut up!"

#16 Greet everyone with a handshake and tell them to call you Admiral.

#17 Have a cooler that has "Human head" on the side.

#18 Draw a square on the floor with some chalk and tell the other passengers this is your "Personal space".

#19 Tell a complete stranger your life story.

#20 Ask someone if you can ask for advice. If they say yes, ask in an accent that is extremely difficult to understand.

#21 Wait till the doors close and then turn to the empty space next to you and say "Oh hi Lucy, how's your day been?"

#22 Leave a box in the corner and when someone gets on ask if they can hear ticking.

#23 Call out "Group hug!" and then act on it.

#24 Be talking on the phone, and then wait till you stop again (Floor 5 for example). Then say something like, "What do you mean there's a man with a gun on the fifth floor?!"

#25 Stare at another passenger for a while, then say "You're one of THEM!" then back away slowly.

#26 Ask all the passengers if you can borrow a tampon. Works best if you are male.

#27 Propose to strangers.

#28 Do yoga.

#29 Knit.

#30 Bring a shovel and attempt to dig for treasure.

#31 Read a children's book and read really slow, sounding out each word.

#32 Bring a lightsaber and challenge another passenger.

#33 Bring a chair, table, and unopened pack of Lego. Start to build it.

#34 Every time someone gets off, yell "It's a trap!"

#35 While it's full of people, read a book (Harry Potter or Percy Jackson for instance) then start crying and screaming something like: "OCTAVIAN HOW COULD YOU? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL PERCYS PILLOW PET? T-T"

#36 Jump on someone and yell "Piggy back!"

#37 Say "Nobody move! I dropped my brain."

#38 Build a pillow fort.

#39 Confess your undying love to a stranger.

#40 Do math equations on the walls.

#41 One word, PERSASSY.

#42 Bring a few friends and do a musical number. "Under the Sea" would be good.

#43 Bring two other friends and dress up as Percy, Annabeth and Gover. Have "Grover" sniff the air, then whisper something to "Percy" and "Annabeth". Then everyone fidget and look terrified.

#44 Murmur incantations under your breath.

#45 Draw a transmutation circle on the floor and try to transmute something. When nothing happens, scream: "EDWARD YOU SAID IT WOULD WORK!"

#46 Make farting noises and blame it on other passengers.

#47 Cry in the corner while holding a ripped up panda PillowPet, and scream: "OCTAVIAN HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?"

#48 Bring about three or four friends. While they sing gospel, preach to other passengers.

#49 Challenge a passenger to a lightsaber duel.
#50 Make gang signs, and shout, "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
#51 Sit in a corner and rip up newspaper.
#52 Wear either an orange or purple shirt, and carry a sword. If someone asks, snap your fingers and say "No mortal, it's just a baseball bat."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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