#1 Say meow quietly, and when others look at you pretend you didn't do it
#2 When it is full of people say in a loud voice, "Now you've all been wondering why I brought you here....."
#3 Discuss with other passengers the amazingly high rate of elevator accidents
#4 With a bunch of friends bring a picnic basket and blanket. Every time someone walks in raise your glasses and make a toast to them.
#5 Offer to press the buttons for other people, then press all of them.
#6 Bring a pillow and fall asleep against the wall.
#7 When you go in scramble to the wall or beam and hold on for dear life.
#8 Start rapping about how escalators are much cooler.
#9 Put the song "Talk Dirty To Me" on iPod loud enough that everyone can hear it, and go around giving everyone dirty looks.
#10 Bring a desk and chair and whenever people come in ask if they have an appointment.
#11 When you walk in exclaim, "It's bigger on the inside!"
#12 Curl up into a ball in the corner, and if anyone asks if you're okay, hiss at them.
#13 Lay down a Twister mat and ask if anyone would like to play.
#14 Pretend you're a flight attendant and go over safety procedures.
#15 Smack your head while saying angrily "Shut up, just shut up!"
#16 Greet everyone with a handshake and tell them to call you Admiral.
#17 Have a cooler that has "Human head" on the side.
#18 Draw a square on the floor with some chalk and tell the other passengers this is your "Personal space".
#19 Tell a complete stranger your life story.
#20 Ask someone if you can ask for advice. If they say yes, ask in an accent that is extremely difficult to understand.
#21 Wait till the doors close and then turn to the empty space next to you and say "Oh hi Lucy, how's your day been?"
#22 Leave a box in the corner and when someone gets on ask if they can hear ticking.
#23 Call out "Group hug!" and then act on it.
#24 Be talking on the phone, and then wait till you stop again (Floor 5 for example). Then say something like, "What do you mean there's a man with a gun on the fifth floor?!"
#25 Stare at another passenger for a while, then say "You're one of THEM!" then back away slowly.
#26 Ask all the passengers if you can borrow a tampon. Works best if you are male.
#27 Propose to strangers.
#28 Do yoga.
#29 Knit.
#30 Bring a shovel and attempt to dig for treasure.
#31 Read a children's book and read really slow, sounding out each word.
#32 Bring a lightsaber and challenge another passenger.
#33 Bring a chair, table, and unopened pack of Lego. Start to build it.
#34 Every time someone gets off, yell "It's a trap!"
#35 While it's full of people, read a book (Harry Potter or Percy Jackson for instance) then start crying and screaming something like: "OCTAVIAN HOW COULD YOU? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL PERCYS PILLOW PET? T-T"
#36 Jump on someone and yell "Piggy back!"
#37 Say "Nobody move! I dropped my brain."
#38 Build a pillow fort.
#39 Confess your undying love to a stranger.
#40 Do math equations on the walls.
#41 One word, PERSASSY.
#42 Bring a few friends and do a musical number. "Under the Sea" would be good.
#43 Bring two other friends and dress up as Percy, Annabeth and Gover. Have "Grover" sniff the air, then whisper something to "Percy" and "Annabeth". Then everyone fidget and look terrified.
#44 Murmur incantations under your breath.
#45 Draw a transmutation circle on the floor and try to transmute something. When nothing happens, scream: "EDWARD YOU SAID IT WOULD WORK!"
#46 Make farting noises and blame it on other passengers.
#47 Cry in the corner while holding a ripped up panda PillowPet, and scream: "OCTAVIAN HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?"
#48 Bring about three or four friends. While they sing gospel, preach to other passengers.
#49 Challenge a passenger to a lightsaber duel.
#50 Make gang signs, and shout, "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
#51 Sit in a corner and rip up newspaper.
#52 Wear either an orange or purple shirt, and carry a sword. If someone asks, snap your fingers and say "No mortal, it's just a baseball bat."
101 Things To Do In An Elevator
HumorEver been in an elevator? Ever been bored out of your mind? Ever want to do something so stupid, you can't keep a strait face? Behold, 101 Things to do in an Elevator.