14 years, 10 months, and 29 later

418 21 3

"Okay kyunie!" kihyun walks over to changkyun holding a spoonful of  pasta. "Have a taste," he says gesturing for him to taste the spoonful. Changkyun obliges, opening his mouth for kihyun to feed him.

"Mmh~' changkyun is surprised by how good the pasta is. "That tastes exactly like how my mom makes it!" changkyun says with a smile. The two have been dating for just over a few weeks now.

"Yeah! I called her and asked her for the recipe." kihyun says with a bright smile.

"Look, Kihyun. Can we talk?"

"Of course, come sit down and I'll get dinner set up."Kihyun replies, with hope in his eyes.

"No Kihyun, Look..." He says, making kihyuns face drop, knowing whats about to come.

Ten minutes later Kihyun dials his still best friend, Shownu.

"Hey whats up kiki." Shownu picks up.

"He broke up with me. I called his mom for a recipe and he said it was too much." kihyun mutters. Shownu huffs in annoyance before replying.

"On my way."

"Thanks~" Kihyun says before hanging up. Another 15 minutes pass before Shownu arrives at kihyuns apartment. Kihyun opens the door and Shownu walks in.

"So? What happened."

"Well, as usual. 'Too much too fast' I think im just gonna die alone. I should just get a small white dog and be alone forever." Kihyun says slightly sarcastically.

"Oh come on, you're not gonna die alone,  I'm gonna be there shoving a pillow in your face." Shownu replies jokingly making them both laugh. "Plus you don't need a small white dog to be a stereotypical gay man, you already are one." Shownu says again making the two laugh.  "Anyway, these strawberries are amazing, what did you say they were?"
"I injected them with chocolate." Kihyun says with a smirk.
"Right, I think you should make them like this more often, their good!"
"Well I'm glad someone can enjoy them, considering Changkyun wont..." Kihyun trails off.
"Hey you know what. I know the perfect solution to your problem. Let's go! Get in the car I'm gonna take you somewhere."
"Where are you gonna drag me now."
"Somewhere...now come on!"
"Fine..." Kihyun says standing up and following shownu to his car. They both get in and shownu drives the both of them to a downtown venue. The building has  "Jooheon, Minhyuk, & Hyungwon Performing tonight!" In bright lit up letters.
"They didn't tell me they were on tonight! Why didn't you guys tell me!?"
"You had a date, we didn't want to start another fight. You know how he was."
"Yeah, always jealous of Minhyukie for some reason."
"Probably because you call him Minhyukie." Shownu says laughing. The two walk into the venue and head backstage with the three friends.
"Hey! We didn't know you were coming today!" Hyungwon jumps.
"Yeah well he needed cheering up so, I brought him over."
"Ah nice, we go up in a few, I gotta finish getting my hair done but see you guys soon!" Hyungwon says before leaving.
"See ya!" They both day in sync.
"Ah! Kihyunie! You came!" Minhyuk runs over full of energy as always.
"Yeah Minhyukie, good to see you guys performing."
"Oh yeah about that. We have to go on—"
"Guys time to head on, you two are gonna have to head out too." A technician tells the boys.
"Now, see you guys! I'll blow you a kiss Kiki!" Minhyuk says, running out of the room and onto the stage. Kihyun and Shownu walk out the opposite door and head into the VIP area. The show is performed stunningly, jooheons rapping with minhyuk and hyungwons singing makes the crowd erupt. In the middle of the song I do love you, Minhyuk keeps his promise of blowing a kiss to Kihyun. Kihyun doesn't notice Shownus jealousy of the kiss. The last song starts coming to an end so Kihyun and Shownu start heading back to their room. They're stopped once the song is over.
"Hey where are you two going? It isn't over!" Jooheon laughs into the mic. Causing Kihyun and Shownu to walk back laughing guiltily. The three perform a new song they wrote for the five friends. Once the concert is over jooheon jumps off stage to meet the two boys, hyungwon and minhyuk follow. They all walk back to the room laughing.
"So you feel better?" Shownu Asia as they're walking out of the venue.
"I was just thinking of what kind of dog to get. What do you think?"he laughs.
"Knew that would make you feel better about Changkuyn, come on I'll take you home."
"Alright. Thanks." Kihyun says with a warm smile.
"Of course." Shownu returns the smile. The two walk back to his car and make their way back to Kihyuns house.
"So can you set me up some dates?"
"Sure, I know a few people. I'll get you some dates." Shownu says smiling to Kihyun.
"Thanks. Really I don't want to die alone."
"And you won't. You'll always have me!" Shownu teases.
"In that case I might want to just die alone." Kihyun teases back. Making Shownu fake sad. Kihyuns phone goes off as he gets a call from his office friend. "Hey hyuna, why you calling so late?"
"Just to make sure your gonna be at work tomorrow, heard you were out with your cop friend today."
"Yeah, and again his name is-"
"His name is Shownu I know, I just like calling him your cop friend, anyway tell him hi for me! See you tomorrow bye!" Hyuna says before hanging up.
"Hyuna said hi." Kihyun says.
"Yeah I heard," he laughs back. "I should get going, it's already late. See you tomorrow?"
"Sure, see ya Shownu!" Kihyun waves with a big warm smile as Shownu leaves his house. Kihyun locks the door and heads to bed.

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