4th chapter (OwO I'm so creative)

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(just assume its Lee unless stated otherwise.)

StephEn pov.

Hosuh had left to his and Dan's house. And the fun begins. (I feel sadistic...)

I went to my lab(idkwattocallit). I approached a heavy titanium soundproof door. I opened it and walked to his cell and opened. Of course the fucker was smirking. "how long do you really think you can keep me? " he spoke with that fucking smirk. I kept a stone dead face.
I grabbed my knife and walked toward him,  keeping the stone face.
I stabbed the knife into his stomach hearing him groan in pain. I slid it down, ripping and tearing up the flesh as it went.  Making a beautiful sound.(geez Stephen creep much? )
Blood splattered and oozed(?) from the torn flesh. Dan bloodcurdlingly screamed learning I was no joke. I walked to my tools and grabbed a thing of salt and some lemon juice. I turned and smiled wickedly at Dan,  who's tears poured from his eyes. "ahahahahahhahahah! What a little bitch! Hahaha!  We've just started!  Hahaha!" I laughed at him wiping the tears from my eyes. Many hours of organs being toyed with and bloodcurdling screams, not to mention piles of salt pressed and shoved deep into wounds making them deeper than before, topping that off with filling the wounds with lemon juice, later. I emerged from my room,  where the lab is,  down to hall.  I saw Hosuh's dove with a note.  "ugh I'll just frame a suicide." I thought, annoyed that the fun would end soon.  I read the note, and of course,  he was worried about Dan.  I went back to the lab, straight to Dan. He looked up terrified. "I was going to continue this for weeks but, housh was instantly panicked. So I'll have to- oh!" I cut myself off.
'I'll just write a letter from "Dan" saying he'll be away awhile'
"You've been saved by my genius brain" I laughed, pulling out a sewing kit.  I poured more salt and lemon into his wounds then sewed them shut.  I left to write the note.  'easy'
I went back to Dan.  "Summon your bird. Now. " I said. He did,  causing him to faint since he was already weak. I grabbed the bird softly, not wanting to hurt it.  They are there own souls, not slaves to us, well that's what I think. But they do have their own personalities. I told the bird what I wanted it to do and it happily flew to Hosuh.


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