Is This Onychomycosis?

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Granny Li's eyes opened wide, staring. How were those were spoken?

Feng Yu Heng continued: "Father clearly said to follow concubine mother's instructions to help us settle in, yet who knew the concubine mothers of the Feng manor ate this sort of food. These sorts of days are far inferior even to those living in Xi Ping village. You tell me, was father sending us away not for the sake of us living better lives? Father really is loving and just!"

Yao shi and Feng Zi Rui did their best to keep from laughing, while granny Sun looked very pleased. Recently, the second miss had truly changed such that she would no longer tolerate being bullied within the manor. Not only could she not be bullied, she had learned to retaliate. Since returning to the manor, who had come to cause trouble yet left with the upper hand?

Granny Li, Man Xi and Bao Tang collapsed. If things continued like this, how should they manage? This second young miss had completely strayed from the bounds of their pre-planned routines! Wasn't it said that Yao shi was cowardly and easy to handle? Wasn't it said that the second young miss' personality was indifferent towards everything and never retaliated? Yet why was it that the second young miss not only fought back, but fought back with great force like a heavenly steed soaring across the skies?

And Yao shi, was this the look of someone who was weak and easy to handle? Although she did not say a word and was polite towards them, but when something happened, she would turn her eyes towards her daughter. She completely moved to the second young miss' tempo.

Granny Li's hand was still being held by Feng Yu Heng, and sweat began to appear on her forehead. She continued to do her best and secretly hid her strength in preparation to pull back her hand in one swift movement.

The result was she exerted too much power, and Feng Yu Heng suddenly released her hand at just the right moment. Granny Li fell to the ground in a sitting position with an "Ow."

Man Xi and Bao Tang quickly went to help and heard Feng Yu Heng speak: "Quickly get to work. It looks like the amount of light is fading. Let's get as much work done as possible. For dinner, there is no need to go to the kitchen. We'll leave this food for you three. Hah, the food the Feng manor gives to concubines and their children are all such low quality, but it's not clear how well they treat servants."

She maintained a serious look as she spoke, worry plastering her face. It really looked as if she were worried about the food that was fed to granny Li and company.

Granny Li was completely speechless and left for the yard with the help of Man Xi and Bao Tang. Deep down, she assessed that she must find an opportunity to inform the head wife. This second young miss was completely different from the one she remembered!

Seeing the outsiders had left, Feng Zi Rui finally displayed a wide smile. Even Yao shi and granny Sun smiled.

Smiling, Yao shi shook her head, "A-Heng, you really are... " She did not know which word to use to describe her, so she stopped halfway through her sentence.

Granny Sun picked up the prompt: "Second you miss really is too proud!" She continued while comforting Yao shi, "Madam, do not blame the second young miss. The three years you have been gone have changed Feng manor greatly. If the second young miss remained the way she was back then-" She pointed towards the dishes on the table, "Starving to death would be our only option."

Yao shi nodded, "I understand. I did not want to blame A-Heng, but we do need to think about how we will pass the days. If the food is like this everyday, what should we eat?"

Feng Yu Heng clasped Yao shi's hands and squeezed, "Mother, do not worry. Let them continue on like this. We will not starve to death." Then asked granny Sun: "Granny hasn't eaten right?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now