Some Happy Dreams can not be Realized

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These words caused everyone in the room to be confused.

Chun Palace? Was that not just the seventh prince's palace?

The seventh prince sent a set of clothes to the Feng manor, and it was for Xiang Rong?

Xiang Rong's mouth hung open in shock, as she was rendered speechless. As for the matriarch, she practically thought that it was Feng Yu Heng's soul that had attached itself to Xiang Rong.

Xuan Tian Hua treated Feng Yu Heng well, this was something everyone had become accustomed to. This was given the ninth prince's relationship, after all. But now, he actually gifted Xiang Rong a set of clothes. What would this leave people thinking?

The matriarch was stunned afor a while and then asked the servant: "Where is the person who sent the clothes?"

The servant repleid: "They left after sending it to the gate. Housekeeper He said it was a eunuch."

The matriarch thought to herself that if she was not wrong, then ouside of the imperial palace, only the people of the palaces used eunuchs. She could not help but look towards Xiang Rong and curiously ask her: "You and his Highness the seventh prince are very familiar?"

Xiang Rong shook her head and spoke truthfully: "I wouldn't consider it familiar, but I did meet him a few times with second sister. But his Highness was always speaking with second sister, so Xiang Rong does not know why his Highness would send clothes to me."

When the little girl said this, her face was red. Regardless of how it was said, being able to receive clothes sent by the seventh prince was still enough to cause her heart to fill with emotion.

What sort of person was the seventh prince! That was the person universally recognized as the most handsome person, and he looked like a deity. Every word he said, every move he made, and even every look he made could leave a lasting impression on others. She thought that she had already enjoyed some of her second sister's limelight by being able to speak a few times with the seventh prince. She thought this was already a happy event, but she never though she would receive a set of clothing.

The matriarch lay on the bed and did not speak for a long time. Her mind was a bit of a mess and had some things that were hard to say.Only when Xiang Rong quietly asked: "Grandmother, can I bring these clothes back?" Only then did she recover mentally and properly say: "Go, go. But you must be careful. The clothes awarded by his Highness the seventh prince definitely will not be of poor quality."

Xiang Rong naturally understood this logic. Receiving the tray from the servant's hands, she did not even dare call for her own personal servant. She personally carried it back to her own courtyard.

Only when she saw An shi did she let out a sigh of relief, but she said with a bit of joy: "Concubine mother, take a guess at what just happened at Shu Ya courtyard?"

An shi naturally could not guess, so Xiang Rong's servant quickly told the story. She included the argument between Chen Yu and Fen Dai, which made for a lively story.

An shi was not too interested in what happened between Chen Yu and Fen Dai, only saying: "When I saw Fen Dai's appearance upon returning this morning, I knew she would be unwilling to be peaceful." After that, her gaze remained glued to the clothes Xiang Rong brought back. "Quickly open the paper wrapping." She urged.

Xiang Rong nodded and carefully placed the tray on a table. She then carefully tore open the wrapping paper. A pale blue set of clothes appeared before her eyes.

Their eyes lit up, and the servant simply let out a "wow" sound then said: "What sort of material is this? Why does it look like water from a lake?"

Shen Yi Di Nu Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (神医嫡女)[Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now