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Adrian Tomas

"Can you stop calling me" I said into my phone

"Come on Adrian don't be like that, you know how I feel about you why you tryna push me away and shit" he said

"Listen Nathan we only went out once, I'm seeing someone now and I'd like it if you would stop calling my phone like you crazy or like I'm your girlfriend because I'm not" I said

"But I wanna be your boyfriend Adrian you know how much I care about you and if you didn't feel something towards me you wouldn't have given me your number that day" he said

I rolled my eyes hanging up the phone and looking over at Siena

"Trouble in paradise" Siena said

"Nope, well not really the guy I had given my number too since I gave him my brothers number but I guess my brother directed him in my direction" I said

Aubree Watts

I woke up to a text from Pryce

PoohBear😍: good morning

I looked at his text and responded back with a 'good morning ❤️' getting out of bed so I could get ready for class. Once I was ready I waited on Sandra since we have our first class together

"Sandra, you ready" I said knocking on her door after a few minutes she didn't answer so I just walked inside and found a note on her bedside table

'Stayed over Micah's last night. I'll see you later on today' the note read

See Sandra and Micah are basically an on and off couple. One week their together and the next their broken up, they met in high school. Now Micah he's a nice guy really if you ask me but him and Sandra's relationship is another ball field that I don't really try to get involved with being that whatever they do doesn't involve me at all

Sandra Kendall
(New character☺️)

"I see your up" Micah said

"Yeah. I shouldn't have slept here last night Micah now I'm missing the first hour of class" I said putting my pants on

"I know, listen what I said last night I meant it Sandra. I care about you more than anything and you know that, I know we argue a lot but that's normal in a relationship. I don't want that anymore Sandra I just want you- we've been at this thing since we were in high school and you know what I said to you back then" Micah said wanting me to say it

"You'll never leave even if I beg you to" I said putting on my shoes

"Exactly. I'm sorry for all the dumb things I did in the past Sandra but I've never once regretted not being with you even through the bad times" Micah said

"I gotta go, hopefully I'll make it in time for the first hour of my second class" I said putting on the rest of my clothes and grabbing my bag

"Sandra-" Micah said grabbing my hand

I turned towards him and looked into his eyes

"Think about it please, at least" Micah said

I nodded my head before walking out, let me text Aubree though

Me: heading to the dorm, see ya later

I put my phone into my pocket walking towards our dorm. Don't get me wrong though of course I care about Micah I just don't know about our relationship and the turn it's taking being that we'd broken up so many times. I'm definitely gonna hate myself for what I'm about to do and that's on everything

Me: can we talk later? About what you said

Micah❣️: yeah just text me after class or something I'm gonna be free after my third class

Me: okay

I put my phone back into my pocket and got ready to go to class

Nick Santana

"Hey nick, can I talk to you" a feminine voice said

I turned around and saw the girl from my English class

"Yeah what's up" I said

"Well you seem really cool and stuff. Could we hang out sometime" she said

"Uh yeah, what's your name again" I asked

"It's lulu" she said

"Oh aight, just put your number in I guess" I said handing her my phone

She put her number in handing me back my phone after sending me a text

Lulu: hey 👋🏼

"Aight imma text you tonight" I said watching her as she walked away

Let me get to my dorm since my class was obviously cancelled because my professor had family issues which I'm not bothered by I was getting bored anyways. Imma see if Jawan and Dylan wanna come over though

Me: y'all wanna come over

Jawan: yeah I'm down

Dylan: I'm coming

Me: okay

Pryce Watkins

"What you wanna watch" I said sitting down next to Aubree with the popcorn in my lap

"Let's watch the kissing booth, I heard it's a good movie and plus it reminds me of the movie everything, everything" Aubree said

I nodded my head logging into my Netflix account that was on the tv in the living room and pressing play on the movie that Aubree wanted to watch. Once the movie started the door busted open and in walked nick, jawan and Dylan of all people I hate his ass still ever since that whole issue thing went down with us and Aubree.

"Aye what's up, why the lights off" Dylan said flicking the lights on

"What's up, I see you got company" nick said

"Uh yeah, didn't think all of you would be here though considering the fact that me and nick stay in this room" I said

"I invited them. Didn't know you'd have a visitor today, thought it was gonna be just us guys" Nick said

"Aye is that the girl from the party who refused to dance with me" Dylan said

I didn't say anything and turned my attention back to jawan and nick

"So, yeah we were watching a movie" I said

"The kissing booth- lameee ass movie dawg" Dylan said

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