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Aubree Watts

"The kissing booth- lameee ass movie dawg" the dude who insulted me at the party who's name is 'Dylan' which I just found out

"Shut up dude, it's something she wanted to watch so chill out" Pryce said

"Aye, you the chubby chick who didn't wanna dance with me at the party. Had my ass embarrassed but it's cool you looked embarrassing enough" Dylan said

Strike One

"Yo dude you seriously need to chill like why you coming in here starting shit" Pryce said

"Why you taking up for this burger eating, no fitness trainer, no smoothie drinking ass bitch- you know shawty big and you wanna be seen walking around with that" Dylan said

Strike Two

"I don't care about all that shit Dylan I told yo ass that, why does every girl gotta be a standard in yo eyes leave her alone and stop worrying about me" Pryce said

"I'm just saying that if you gonna be with someone make sure they can get into bed and won't need any help that's all" Dylan said

Strike Three

"LISTEN! I may be bigger than most of the girls you hang out with but I'm not gonna sit around any longer and let you disrespect ME, I'm a real ass bitch and I stand for what I do. Your one low ass dude to be talking about standards, I don't care that I'm not skinny enough or that my appetite isn't up to par but that's none of your business. Leave me alone in fact leave Pryce alone because trust and believe this 'chubby bitch' can handle her own and I won't hesitate to drag your ass up and down these hallways like I did that bitch India at the party I bet she ain't tell you that. Y'all are just the same- walking around talking out the side of yo neck about girls just because they don't look like the type of girls you date and I don't care about that shit but don't you EVER and I mean ever disrespect me again. I'll text you later Pryce it was nice meeting you guys- goodbye Dylan I'd rather not run into your low down disrespectful ass again" I said grabbing my phone and my purse leaving

"Wait! Don't you need a ride" Pryce said

"No thank you, Sandra's picking me up" I said walking out

Pryce Watkins

"Man, she laid yo ass out and that's on everything" nick said laughing causing Dylan to suck his teeth

"Man that chubby ass bitch ain't do shit, she think she got a nigga all figured out when she don't. I don't even want her fat ass in this dorm room anymore" Dylan said

"Wait? Hold up big homie this ain't yo dorm room, it's me and Pryce's dorm room so we can make that decision. She seem chill you just kept pushing further and that ass got served on a silver platter you just mad and salty that somebody other than Pryce finally stood up to yo stuck up ass" nick said

I nodded my head, it was true he just couldn't accept the fact that what Aubree was saying was true

"You need to leave" I said

"What? You making me leave, you picking that chubby bitch over me. We been tight since high school but ever since you met that chubby girl you wanna act different" Dylan said

"No- YOU wanna act different. She's hasn't done anything to you but try to be nice and cordial with you for the sake of our friendship but you've crossed the line one too many times and then you wanna talk about how she can't be allowed in our dorm room like you stay in this bitch when you don't

Aubree Watts

"Yes, Sandra I laid his ass out and Pryce along with his other friends agreed with me. He had the nerve to call me a chubby ass bitch talking bout some I embarrassed him at the party even though I should be embarrassed considering the fact of how I looked" I said to Sandra while she did her hair

"Girl i would've beat his ass in that dorm room the moment I had space and opportunity" Sandra said

"I planning on it but I ain't wanna mess up Pryce's room so I just cussed his ass out. He lucky I ain't beat his ass like I beat India's that day at the party" I said

"Just relax girl at least your man was on your side, that's all that matters and the fact that he stuck up for you" Sandra said

I nodded my head in agreement before texting me Pryce

Me: I'm sorry about tonight, we were supposed to be watching a movie and I ruined it with an argument. I'll understand if you don't wanna talk to me anymore

PoohBear😍: nah I'd miss you too much and if anything Dylan ruined it. We can always do it again ya know

Me: you know this is still considered a fake relationship, right?

PoohBear😍: I wish it was real

I looked at his comment not knowing whether he was being serious or not

Me: your being serious

PoohBear😍: yeah, I really like you Aubree

Me: okay- I don't know what to say

PoohBear😍: whelp, tomorrow I want you to be ready. We're spending the day together after classes

Me: okay

I smiled at the message and the fact that he wants to spend the day with me even after everything that just happened. I can't believe this is happening- ugh I'm so excited

"Someone's happy" Sandra said

"Yeah, Pryce is taking me out tomorrow for the whole day after classes are finished" I said

"Awe that's sweet" Sandra said

"Speaking of sweet, what's going on between you and Micah. Y'all talked lately" I asked changing the subject

"Um yeah we talked last night- he wants to work things out ya know get us back on track and everything" Sandra said

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