A Young Assassin and Superman

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Clark decided to try and make nice with Damian. He didn't like the idea of his best friend's kid not liking him. Plus, it would help the league. So, he got Bruce to throw a BBQ!

Clark found Damian in a corner sitting down. He went over to the boy and sat down. "Hi, Damian," he said kindly, Damian looked at him and nodded. He didn't smile though. "Are you enjoying the party?" Damian shrugged. "What do you usually like to do?" Damian pulled out a notebook and pen.

I draw and train and read. Clark nodded.

"What's your favorite book?"

Gulliver's Travels Clark smiled.

"I read that book when I was about your age." Damian nodded. "Wanna go flying," Clark said, trying to wow the boy. Damian shook his head. Jason came over and handed Damian a small bowl with ice cream.

Thank you , Damian signed.

"Hey, Clark," Jason said and waved.

"Hi, Jason."

"What're you and Damian talking about?" Damian started singing to Jason. Jason laughed. "You're a first, Demon."

"For what," Clark asked.

"The first to not think you're better than Batman." Clark frowned.

"You don't like me?" Damian shrugged. Clark grabbed him and flew him up into the sky. He was hoping to make a fun surprise, but he ended up with a kid having a panic attack. Whoops. He flew back down to where they were. Jason was still there. Damian was hyperventilating.

"What'd you do," Jason asked. He kept his voice soft because of Damian. He held the boy carefully and rubbed circles on his back. "You gotta breathe, Damian," Jason told him softly. Damian tried, but coughed. Jason patted him on the back and went into a random room where no one would come. Clark followed. Eventually, Jason got Damian breathing again.

"I'm sorry. I-I was trying to surprise him. I thought he'd like it." Damian was crying softly into Jason's shoulder. Jason shushed the boy. "I'm sorry, Damian," Clark said softly. Jason bounced the boy up and down slightly. Damian was still crying.

"It's okay, buddy. He's sorry." Damian nodded. Clark stayed for a minute.

"I-I'll go," Clark whispered and he left. When he walked back out, Diana found him.

"What's wrong, Clark?"

"I scared Damian, Bruce's new kid. I was just trying to get him to like me." Diana nodded.

"He likes me," she teased. Clark rolled his eyes.

"You're a princess. Every little boy, even the older boys, like you." She smiled.

"Of course."

Jason took Damian into a playroom Bruce had set up for him. Damian sometimes played with the toys if he was prompted.

"Go play, Demon," Jason said. He sat Damian on the floor, and the boy went to play with a train he was particularly fond of. Jason pulled his phone out and sat down a few feet away from Damian. Tim came in a few minutes later.

"Why're you guys in here?" He sat down by Jason.

"Clark was being a dumb--" Jason looked at Damian, "--butt and messing with the Demon." Jason mouthed 'I'll tell you later' to Tim. Damian came and sat in Jason's lap. He waved at Tim. Tim smiled and waved back.

Can I have another frozen milk fat? Kent spilled mine. Damian frowned.

"Sure," Jason said as he got up. He put Damian in Tim's lap and left.

"Was the party fun?" Damian shrugged. "What'd you do?" Damian shrugged again. Tim never knew how to get Damian to talk. Jason could have him conversing for hours, but Tim never knew what to say. Damian got back up and went back to the train. Tim followed him and sat down by him. Damian handed Tim the toy conductor. Tim smiled and put it in the train. They played a bit more until Jason came back with Damian's ice cream.

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