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Sousuke glares at Aiichirou as he says the sentence... "it must have been jealously...". That theory would be totally irrelevant to this situation. 'Jealous?! Don't make me laugh!', Sousuke thinks to himself. But he wonders about the letter Aiichirou is waving in his hand. It looks wrinkled and worn out. Sousuke scoffs and grabs the paper out of Aiichirou's hand. He leans against a support beam to hold up the structure of the ceiling.


I remember there being a new transfer student in my class. She was extremely quiet yet she seemed very smart. I didn't pay no mind to her until, I spotted Haru and Makoto walking into her dorm. I thought they were maybe just visiting. They stayed for quite a while. Longer than I expected. When I greeted them while they were exiting the dorm, they didn't really pay no mind to me... I thought maybe they had a long day and they don't want to talk now... but I learned that wasn't the case...

The next few days, they became more and more distant... Haruka and Makoto stopped talking to me all together. I felt like I was betrayed by them. So I decided to give them the silent treatment as well. Maybe that would work. But it didn't... They didn't say anything to me. Not one word the whole week! I wondered what was so special about that girl. I mean, abandon a long time friendship for this girl?

I wanted to test her. Just to see how good she can swim... sadly, I was too rough and my actions got the best of me. I pushed her in the pool, and she was almost killed as a result. Yeah, I said it was for fun, without admitting the real reason... Haruka was there. Surely he would think I was dumb. Jealousy was the main reason. Replacing me with out a word?! How absurd does that sound...?

As I began to think about how hurt Mei might have been, I was realizing what pain I put in my friends in. So, I slowly became depressed...

Who ever is reading this, please help Mei... support her with all you have. Pray to her for all I care. I would love to do the same. But I think, I might not even make it out of this place alive. I feel so weak... I..... I'm so sorry....


The writing goes sloppy. You can't even understand what is written there anymore. From there on, all you can see is splotches of tears. Sousuke crumbles the paper up. He throws it to the side and storms away. Aiichirou is left there wondering how this became of Rin? He looked up to him like an older brother. And to see him like that, make him want to cry.


Back at the hospital about 3 days later, it was reported that Sousuke has gone missing. He was last seen by Nitori but he doesn't know where he went.

Haruka was watching the news in Mei and Rin's room while they are out at the moment getting x-rays at the time. Haruka sighs and stretches his arms up high and wonders. 'How long has it been since I have swam? Or even made mackerel?' He let's his hands fall down to hit the top of his head. They remain in place as he yawns.

The door opens and Makoto steps in with the twins. He looks surprised that Mei isn't there, as well as the twins. "Hey! Where is Mei-nee-chan?", Ran cries. Makoto also has a confused look on his face. Ren and Ran run up and hug Haruka before stepping back.

Haruka smiles. "Mei and Rin are getting x-rays right now. They will be back soon." Ren and Ran moan and sit in the chairs in the corner. Makoto continues to stand and chuckles. "Those two really want to see Mei. They are desperate to give Mei a hug. But, what I'm wondering is..." Makoto lowers his voice to a whisper.

"Where would Yamazaki be? I heard his family can't even find him. He didn't come home after he ran from Samezuka. Maybe Nitori would know something you know?", Makoto explains. Haruka isn't really even listening but he does think Nitori could know something. 'I wonder if Nitori knows any thing about what exactly happened to Rin... why wouldn't he tell me what happened? Or at least call for help?', Haruka thinks.

Suddenly, the is a small knock on the door. When it is cracked open, a pair of blue eyes gaze across the room. Then, the door is opened. The beds containing Rin and Mei are in the hall as well as Nitori who is standing in the back. A doctor steps in. "Would you mind if you exit the room for a few minutes?",he asks. Haruka, Makoto and the twins stand and exit the room.

Haruka can barely see Mei so he impatiently waits for them to go back in the room. Aiichirou is standing there away from the crowd. He wants to be away from everyone right now... He has a Starbucks coffee in his hand and he looks tired. When the doctor walks out, Aiichirou immediately walks in. I follow him. Makoto decides to wait in the hall with the twins. 5 people would be too much in one room.

Aiichirou notices Mei is sleeping soundly. He smiles and walks over to Rin's side. Rin is adjusting himself in the bed. Slight flashes of his chest and stomach come into view for seconds. Aiichirou flinches and feels a little pain in his heart as he takes a sip of his coffee. He hates the stuff, but he needs to stay awake for a while.

When Rin gets settled in, he notices Aiichirou and smiles. "So, you finally decide to show up huh? I'm glad you did. Ya know, I miss being in the dorm at times. You must be lonely without me there." Aiichirou wants to say something so bad. He knows Rin is struggling with every word he says. His face is still pale like and he seems tired and exhausted more than himself.

Aiichirou shakes his head. "You don't have to hide your pain Rin-sempai... I know you are in so much right now..." Rin tilts his head like he is confused.

"Aii. You know I-", he is interrupted by Aiichirou.  He wants to question the letter... he has it crumbled in his pocket.

"Please... don't... I was there that day... you weren't your normal self. You looked like a soul barely hanging on to life. It kills me to see you like that... So please...", he takes the paper out of his pocket and gives it to Rin's boney hands. "This was found in the Samezuka basement along with everything else... those diet pills, and the stains of throw up with blood... What did you do to yourself sempai?! Please! Why would you hurt yourself over this?! You felt so bad that you wanted to feel the pain Sakamaki-chan felt right? But you are in the hospital right now because of a even deeper pain... depression... just answer my questions..."

Rin looks down at himself. The paper falls onto the floor. His hands that are as boney as a cats tail. He can see his ribs through his skin. His stomach is almost flat. But in no time, if he remained as he was, his stomach would have filled up with gas... and it would eat at his insides. His arms look like they did when he started swimming. His body did feel weak... as weak as a baby when it was first born. Or a person who has been shot and is bleeding extensively... What did he do to himself exactly?

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