Chapter 1, ~Who are you?~

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Hair color (H/C)
Hair texture, length (Wavy, curly, straight) (H/L/T)
Eye color (E/C)
    It was a normal dream just like all the others I have had over the years but this dream would reunite me with an old friend a had forgotten.

~Dream world~
     I felt lovely soft pettels fall from rose's above my head while sitting under a tree and layed down on soft green grass, it seemed odd that rose petals were falling from a tree but it was a dream so I guess just about anything is possible. I dipped my foot in a warm pond of crystal clear water that was near the tree. It was all so wonderful and peace full, I felt as if I could just stay asleep forever just to have this lovely feeling I was having, then....all of a sudden from the corner of my eyes I see a tall man, with a green and red sweater, dark green pants, and a brown fedora.

"Oh (Y/N), Your all grown up", said the man in a perverted and seductive way.

He seemed familiar, but my thought was interpreted when I  smelled a sent of burned meat and a horrible stench when he talked, but for some reason he just sounded familiar. He laid his right hand on my shoulder which I noticed it had a glove on with knifes, it was all filthy! I couldn't clearly remember who it was, then I saw his reflection in the water, it wasn't that clear but, clear enough for me to be so scared I could have shit myself. Let's be honest here I was terrified I wanted to scream and shout for help but for some odd reason my body just wasn't allowing it!

" Y/n) don't you recognize me??" Said the man with a worried voice.

He put his left hand of his old sweater right were his chest was. He sounded hurt, he let go of my shoulder. I got up slowly in a scared motion, I looked tward my shoulder and saw that the man had left a bloody hand print on my long black selved shirt I would wear to sleep.

" W-who a-a-are y-you?" I said in a quivering voice, I didn't want to seem like a pussy by sounding and being scared but I couldnt contain my self.

"(y/n) it's me !" Said the man in a gentle yet sad voice.

" I'm sorry sir...I think you have the wrong person." I said.

I had my back turned on him the entire time, the stench of rotting burned meat has growing stronger.

   I built up the courage to turn around and face this man who claimes to know me. I quickly turned around with grace. When we both saw each other's faces other we gasped, The man was burned from head to what appeared to toe. He began to smile and what appeared to be a small tear running down his burned cheak. I wasn't shocked at all, most people would be disturbed by this sight but for some reason I wasn't. He took a step closer to me, my natural reaction was to take a step backwards but he just kept on going leaving his foot print on the fresh green grass. So I suddenly stoped, I couldn't move a muscle. He kept getting closer.

" FUCKING SHIT, SHIT, SHIT I CAN'T MOVE?!" I said im my mind.

The man finally got up to me, he was basicly centimeters away from my lips. He hugged me tightly as if he were to never let go, he put his burned head on my other shoulder and started to sob silently.

" What did they do to you my sweet little princess, why can't you remember me?!" The man said while sobbing.

I couldn't move again so I just standed there awkwardly and confused as the burned man kept hugging me and sobbing. I felt his warm tears go down my back and into my grey sleeping shorts. I was finally able to move and I just had the sudden urge to hug the man, I admit it I felt sorry for him even tho I didn't know why he was crying or what happened for him to be burned. So I hugged him back not tightly tho. The man raised his head and looked straight into my eyes. His eyes were still watery.

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