~1..2...Freddy's Coming For You!~

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I ran down the old wooden stairs were I recall getting this cool scar on my cheak when I was five. As I reached the end of the stair case my father glanced up and just simply said

" Morning" I didn't acknowledge him, didn't even waist my precious eye sight to look at him.

I walked my rebellious self tward the kitchen, The sent of fresh pancakes was dancing on my tast buds, God how I love it when mom makes pancakes for breakfast.

I walked over to the stove and grabbed the sweet pancakes, I sat down on a white vintage chair and leaned tward the pancakes sitting on the glass table. I gobbled them down because I was damn hungry, once I'd finished the pancakes I tossed the dish into the sink and quickly ran up stairs to brush my teeth, as I grabbed the purple toothbrush and my father appeared out of no where and was standing in the door way.

" So, why did you wake up so early?" Said my father with his left eyebrow lifted up.

"I just wanted to get up earlier today, or what am I grounded for deciding to do so?" I said in a sassy way.

My father just looked mad at me with an enraged and killer look

" Look bitch, Dont use that tone with me!"

I rolled my (E/C) eyes and sarcastically said "I'm sorry dad..."

He just smirked and walked away. God how he makes me mad! How could mom just forgive him after what he had done to her! Whatever I'll just go on and live my day on and ignore him like I do everyday. I finished brushing my teeth, yet the white toothpaste still stung my puffy naturally red lips. I grabbed my backpack that was laying next to my vanity and got out of the house as soon as I could.

I walked down the newly done sidewalk, it really needed a touch up. It was a cool and sunny day of October, a random thought of Freddy popped into my head as I walked down the sidewalk. My thought was shorty cut, I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed three little girls in white laced dresses with ponytails playing jump rope. I haven't seen little girls wearing white laced dresses since the 70's. I smiled at them didn't think much of them but the thing that really caught my attention was when they began to sing, it sounded like they were saying...1..2..Freddy's coming for you..3..4... Better lock your door... And it just kept on going like that. I brushed it off like it was nothing and kept on walking to my high school...

Once I got there I was greeted by one of my friends "(u/n)" Exclaimed your friend.

" Hey Jack" I said back smiling.

Jack ran over to like sonic lighting which made scenes he was part of the track team. Once he had reached me he turned his backpack around and gently pulled out a news paper.

"Read the first story" said Jack, I did it with out hesitation I grabbed the semi crumbled up news paper and began to read, This article was just published today

" October 4th 1984, Dream murders, several teens have been dying in their sleep lately and the causes are not known!" I read. I was shocked and worried.

" Crazy shit right?" Said Jack

" Ya no shit Sherlock" I said back.

The Bell rang with a mighty roar, so me and Jack walked over to our lockers to get our stuff for first hour, I unlocked my lock from my locker and proceeded to grab my notebook, my world geography book,my pencil and pen. I walked over to my first period class completely exhausted from last night's dream. I sat in my assigned desk and placed my things down of the desk. Half way now threw class, my teacher is a lazy shit head so instead of a lesson today he just made us watch a documentary about Mesopotamia or something like that. I began to feel very exhausted more than before, my eyes were begging to be closed finally my sleep demon took over my and I dozed off into what felt like to become an eternal sleep.

I opened one of my eyes lazily and shocked my to see that there was an old worn out preschool, even worse my old preschool, I noticed that I was laying on top of brown dead leaves and grass, I got up cautiously and slowley. I saw the old door from the preschool open up, a little girl peeked her small head out, her red cheeks were scrapping the worn out red paint from the door. The little girl took small baby steps towards me and I just stood still, almost as if I was paralyzed completely, the little girl had finally reached me. Her bright  (E/C) were like daggers being stabbed into my heart, she was so precious to just look at, the way the sudden gust of wind that blew out of no where made the little girls (H/L/T) (H/C) dance in the wind.

"Hi little girl" I said with a charming and confused voice.

The little girl giggled a sweet giggle that almost made my heart melt.

"Come with me your friend is waiting" said the little girl in a sweet and innocent voice as she grabbed my wrist.

The little girl basicly dragged my feet over the old dried brown grass and into the old concrete that was cracked and covered in chalk drawings. We kept walking down an old hall way, the walls that where once a light blue color paint, the paint was flaking off and the walls were worn out with dust and cob webs sitting on every roof corner. The little girl stoped infront of a class room that was locked up with a chain around the door.

The little girl let go of my wrist, she turned around and stared up directly at me

"Wait here" said the little girl.

She walked over to the door and like magic her body just went right threw the door 0_0. I was shocked at first but then that emotion of shock bit off by a thought of mine

" Wait, That little girl..... LOOKS LIKE ME WHEN I WAS LITTLE!" I murmured under my breath.

The little girl went right threw the door with a drawing in her hand.

She leaned over to me and said "Here I drew it for you".

She extended her thin arm, So I took the paper and glanced down at it. What was on the paper left me puzzled, It was a picture of that guy from my dream Freddy and that little girl!

All of the sudden I hear the sound of a sharp object scrapping some metal, I looked up quickly and saw that thus the little girl wasn't there any more but instead of her was.....FREDDY!?

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