Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Olivia's POV

I was making my way home from the shop. The streets were empty as usual at this time of night. My shift ended late today so I thought taking the short cut through the alley would be a better way to get home sooner. As I was cutting through the alley I began to hear footsteps behind me. I felt very paranoid like something bad could happen any second. The footsteps became heavier and I could hear someone breathing inches behind me. 'This is it. I'm going to die', is all that is going through my head. Suddenly someone pushed me up against the wall.

''Shhh it's okay baby I got you'', the man holding me said.

''Please please don't hurt me'', I begged.

''No no no it's gonna be fine, I will take care of you'', he said stroking my hair.

I threw his hand off me. ''Don't you dare touch me''

''Ohh so you are going to be feisty about this well I do like it rough'', he growled in my ear.

He began to rip my shirt open. ''Please don't do this'', I cried. Memories of the past suddenly were fresh in my mind. I couldn't let this happen to me again. I'm not going down without a fight.

Last year during the summer I took a self defense class. I always wondered if I would ever really need to use my skills but it seems like now would be a good time.

I surprise him by using my elbow to hit his nose. It begins so bleed very badly but I know that this isn't enough to put him down. I begin to think through everything that I learned that summer. One of the moves were if I were to have my hands held then I could use my head or leg to hit the target. But now was all about getting away from him. So I ran. I ran like a cheetah hunting it's prey except I was being hunted down. I heard the heavy breathing
getting closer and closer by the second. I had to admit I was scared to death. I don't get scared easily but now I knew that if I didn't find somewhere safe from this man I would probably get raped or killed. I turned around to see if he was still there chasing after me. He is trailing right behind me. When I turn around I bump into someone's chest.

I look up and see a dark shadow of a man with curls. He grabs me by the shoulders to hold me steady.

''Are you oka-'', he is interupted by the man chasing after me.

''I'm sorry man my girlfriend always runs off'', he says while trying to grab my hand to pull me away from maybe my only chance of being safe. I shake his hand off me and scream, ''GIRLFRIEND!?''.

I turn around to look at this mystery boy and say ''I swear to you I don't know this man he has been following me and tried hurti-''

''Alright enough of this we are heading home'', the man says grabbing my wrist and pulling me away. I struggle to get out of his grip and scream ''No please help me don't leave me with him!''.

The mystery boy seems to realize what is happening and runs after us. He grabs me by the waist and puts me behind him like he is my shield. ''C'mon man don't make this difficult for yourself'', the man smirks.'' You think I'm afraid of you'', mystery boy says quite confidently, ''i've dealt with people like you all my life you think you can go around hurting women and take their innocence away like it's nothing, well you know what I don't like that I don't like that at all''.

''Just give me the girl dammit''

''Never'', and suddenly I feel safe. Mystery boy is giving a death glare to the man.

''You know what I'm fucking done with your bullshit'', he says and reaches behind mystery boy to grab me. I'm not fast enough to back away because he now has me with a knife on the surface of the skin on my neck.

Where did that come from.

''GET OFF OF ME!!'', I screamed trying to get out of his grip.

''Let the girl go'',mystery boy says with a growl.

''Sorry that this has to happen you weren't cooperating with me so know she gets hurt''. He starts to cut the skin on my neck when I'm pushed to the ground.

The two men are fighting on the ground. I don't know if I should run now or stay just in case my savoir needs saving. Mystery boy is on top of the man punching him left and right. I think he has passed out by now but he keeps punching. ''That's enough!'', I go up and pull him away from the man. When he turns to me his face is shining perfectly in the moonlight. He is beautiful. Green eyes and brown curls. I can see a bruise forming on his eye. I guess the man got a punch to him aswell.

I feel frozen in place. He is staring right at me like he is observing every single part of me.

''What's your name?'', he breaks the silence.

''I.. I..I'm Olivia'', I stutter

''Well Olivia do you have a place to stay tonight'', he asks. Wait is he hinting that he wants to sleep with me. Ohhh hell no. He thinks that just because he saved me that he can get into my pants. Nope not gonna happen.

''Actually yes I do so i'm fine thanks'', my voice with a hint of sass.

''No need to be rude I was just making
sure you would be safe tonight after what just happened but if that's how you are going to be then have it your way'', he says and walks away.

Well now I feel bad. He was just caring for me. No one ever cares about me anymore. ''Wait'', I call out to him, ''I didn't even get your name''.

He stops walking but doesn't turn to face me. ''The names Harry'', he says and just like that he dissapears.

Since my appartment is about a 20 minute walk and after everything that just happened I decide to just haul a cab.

When I get home I take a quick shower and get into my pj's. Today has been a long day and I'm tired. I cuddle up in my bed with the fan on high. I like when it's cold in my room because that I way I can get all cozy in bed. I love to cuddle whether it's with a friend watching a movie or a stuffed animal or even my dog,Sasha. Tomorrow is Saturday so I don't have to go to work. I turn my alarm off and drift off into a deep sleep.

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