My Idiot ❤️

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Anyone ever see their crush doing something really stupid and you think to yourself 'I love my idiot!' This happens way too much tbh. He may be an idiot, but he's my idiot.

Everyone who has a partner or crush knows they have flaws. Sometimes, it can be really embarrassing, or super cute. If you know anything about Nathan, you'll realize that he's weird. But in a good way. Like when he's playing a parlor map and he falls. "FLIIIIPPP!!!!!" Or the many voices he has, going from a deep "I'm Batman", to a high pitched "Ohhh MOOSE!!!" Probably one of the most idiotic yet cutest things is his laugh. "Hahaheheha!" lol That's literally his giggle if you  actually listen to it lmao
Nathan was recording a minecwaft video with Moose, so I guess we're getting along with him for now. But before he's forgiven, we're doing prank wars on him. We have some evil ideas too. "HO HA HAAAAA!!!! MOOSE!!!" Nathan screams from his office. I sigh and pause my Netflix show. I start to walking quietly to the office with an air horn. I slowly open the door, ducking down so Nathan can't see me. I crawl behind his chair and press the button so hard that I may have broken it. Nathan jumped out of his chair and I'm guessing that he forgot that he was recording. "AAHHHH!!! (Y/N)! Don't do that!!! I could have flipped myself!" I look at the camera and wave. "Hey guys! It's (Y/N)! Like and subscribe to my YouTube channel!!!" "Guys! This is my amazing girlfriend!"

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