Chapter Twelve - More Gaslighting!

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WITH DAD'S BLESSING, I headed over to Jen's early to help them prepare snacks and hide the expensive stuff. Adam opened the door, but he was instantly overshadowed by an excited Labrador. It eagerly sniffed my legs and jumped on me until Adam managed to get the dog inside.

"Sorry about that. Spartacus does that whenever the doorbell rings."

"Oh, I'm not sorry," I said as I bent down to pet the dog again. "He's got spark. I like it."

He leaned against the wall, smiling. "He's kind of like you in that department."

Our eyes met for a brief second, and a hot and mushy tingle crawled up my cheeks. I burst out in laughter, not knowing how else to react. It probably just made it worse and I was digging my hole deeper, so I decided to lighten the mood. "Did you just compare me to a dog?"

"Oh no, no, I didn't mean it that way." Adam raised his hands. "I meant it as a compliment."

I made a face. "I was just messing with you."

He seemed relieved that I didn't take it the wrong way, and before he could add anything else, a voice from upstairs interrupted him.

"Riley, is that you?"

Jen's head popped over the stair railing. Then Emma's face joined in. They hopped down and swarmed me, getting rid of my jacket and blabbering too fast. They dragged me to Jen's room. I could only mouth a goodbye to a puzzled Adam standing in the doorway, a sheepish grin on his blushing face.

We settled while waiting for Sam, and I got a tour. I eyed the amazing display of comics stretching over rows of shelves. I'd read Archies when I was a kid, a bit of Garfield, but never got around to the Marvels and DC comics. Jealousy would have killed me back then if I discovered this treasure.

"You can borrow if you want," Jen offered from her bed.

Sam arrived a few minutes after me. I watched Emma twirl around in a red skirt she'd made during summer, and she blew a kiss in the mirror.

The slight cold between us had ebbed after I convinced her of my ignorance, and she behaved normally. Maybe she wasn't doing anything wrong.

"If you were taller, you could actually be a model."

She sighed. "That's the only way the universe could have put a stick in my wheel, sadly. Did you bring the contraband?"

As soon as Emma heard about the dress code incident, she made it a point to style it for the party. Something about a tradition these kids had around banned items. I nodded, flicking my chin at the slouched bag by the desk.

She seemed to give it some thought, then strode over and ripped the comic I was paging through from my hands.

"Hey!" I let out as she began pushing me. "What are you—"

"I have been waiting for this moment, Riley Addison. Sit down because it's time for me to make you pretty."

I looked over at Sam and Jen. Their stare was powerless, and they ignored me.

"I'm so going to remember this," I whispered to them as Emma shoved me into the computer chair and rolled me in front of the mirror.

She extracted tons of makeup. Blushes, lipsticks, mascara, liners, eye shadow, and other things I didn't know what for. She even had foundation that matched my skin. Quick enough, she grabbed my chin with her fingers, lifting my face to hers. Her painted nails slightly dug into my skin.

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