'New' house

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The house that stood in front of me looked like it just came out of one of those classic horror movies, big, gray and lonely. There is no way this is my new home. I should've known right then and there that there was something horribly wrong.

"Hurry up and set those boxes down! We might be able to get all the boxes in today!" My mom shooed me, I snapped out of my thoughts and stepped inside the house. I stomped upstairs to what was now my new bedroom in the huge house, which was in the middle of freakin' nowhere, and set down the box on the floor.

I stood up and looked around the small room. It already held my giant dresser, my computer, and my new bed. I walked over to my bed and plopped down, making the bed shake, which made the floor squeak, which made the whole house squeak.

Great. Just great.

I sighed heavily and listened to my six year old little brother, Peeter skip up the stairs. He opened the door next to mine and squealed in delight. I couldn't help but smile to myself and close my eyes. I didn't want to be here, but if Peeter was happy, I could deal.

I opened my eyes as quickly as possible when my mom called my name and I ran outside to grab the next box in the trunk.

By eight, all the boxes were inside and half were unpacked. My room had all the posters on the walls, now, so it seemed more like a room that belonged to me. If you looked past the creepy dungeon feel.

After unpacking the last of my clothes I decided to take a tour. First I wandered around upstairs, then downstairs and into the living room, where I found a small rat ductaped to the wall blood dripping from its mouth and its tail half cut off. Disgusting. Also-How. The. Heck. Did. That. Get. There?

"Mom!" I yelled, "Why the hell is there a rat duck taped to the wall?!"

I heard a soft sigh from the direction of the living room, "I don't know just leave it for now." How she wasn't freaked out by it made me question her sanity but I decided to leave it.

Bored already I decided wandered to the basement. There's usually something fun in them. The old stairs squeaked and shook but I continued down. The washer and dryer was tucked into the corner and I ignored them. They were the old ones from our old house. Nothing special. Nothing interesting. The rest of the basement was empty, but I walked around anyway. When I wandered to the back of the basement behind the stairs, I walked past it, not seeing anything except an outline in the corner of my eye. I stopped and squinted.

I got down on my hands and knees and saw it for real- a tiny door. I hooked my fingers in the small hole that was supposedly a door knob. I pulled at the door but it didn't budge. I fixed my position and pulled harder. A sickening crack erupted from the door. Something had happened, but I couldn't tell what.

"Honey, you alright?" My mom called down to me.

"Yeah, Mom."

I continued to pull but it wouldn't budge. Finally, I stopped when I got a huge gash on my hand. Giving up on the tiny door, I turned my back and began to walk up the stairs. I swear the room got colder.

I couldn't stop thinking of it.

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