da talent show

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Izuku pov

Its been a week ive been made fun of and picked on the whole time but the people who betrayed me are always walking away from me possibly bakugo fault the one good thing he has done for me well today's the talent show their going to be afraid weirded out or just hate me more after what i do but oh well

Pov fumikage tokoyami

Ugh i half to go to my cousins talent show i feel like he just wants to hook me up with someone  his quirk is like love strings  it shows people who could match or fall in love with each attached with different color strings  last couple of times failed  Well i hope theirs at least good performances

Pov bakugo

Welp hero training was shit all these week ass fuckers acting like their so great  fucking reatards theirs like  a few that are almost my level but ill see them behind me in the end  and i feel bad for the bird fucker his weakness gets exploited so much like damn he would be one of the top people in class if it wasnint for it  and he knows when to shut his ass  up

Time skip

Bakugo ,mituski , inko walk into the theater  glaring at most people bakigos most affective as they take seat they go through the watching the mediocre acts waiting for izuku to sing or so he said he was  gonna sing and get revenge on people so were were all here

Izuku's pov

It was  my time to go on and i have my sound and my revenge ready no one saw this coming and I'm glad they haven't yet 

I walk towards the stage

"Hi um im  izuku midorya and 8m here to sing a song and a little something else after words but that's all the information ill give you "

I search the crowd i saw a really cute raven headed person who seemed familiar next to a kid from are school who hasn't really done anything except just shy away from people and listen in so he's not to bad i guess
I continued and i saw kaachan mom and auntie and uncle Bakugo  i did a slight nod towards them and then.the music started i put the mike on the stand then i startedto bop my head

*izuku just starts about a medium  head bang then right before  he's suppost to sing he grabs the mic and sings and starts to be more bouncy in time with the music*
So you think you got me figured out
Why don't you go ahead and tell me what I'm all about
You know I'm dying to hear it*tilts head and puts hand behind it (the i cant hear you  sign)
I'm getting sick of all the sticks and stones you throw
Now it feels like it's an opinion overload
I can take it but but I'd rather leave it

Get out of my face
Quit bringing' me down *izuku droppes his knees in a zigzag matter*
I don't care what you say

So part of that about that don't you understand?
Hey! *jumps high*
I'm doing things exactly like I want to*izuku points to himself*
What part of that that don't understand?
Hey!*jumps again but slightly more emotion in it*
And I don't give a damn if you don't approve*flipps off the crowd not in directions of his small group of supporters *
What part of that that don't you understand?
Hey!*jumps again he is the  bouncy *

You're so tough, you throw punches with your words
You think you're clever, let me tell you you're not the first
Say something I haven't heard yet *izuku points then does the im listening hand symbol*
You're disrespectful, always quick to judge
I'm kinda wondering if you're doing it just because
It must be nice being *does finger quotes when sings perfect* perfect

Get out of my face
Quit bringing me down *dose the drop thing again*
I don't care what you say

So part of that about that don't you understand?
Hey!* yep he bounce  and the crowd is kinda getting into it but some people are salty about getting the bird
I'm doing things exactly like I want to
What part of that that don't understand?
Hey!* bounce off boun-bounce off*
And I don't give a damn if you don't approve
What part of that that don't you understand?

I won't apologize *shakes his head hair flop*
For what I feel inside *points to him self slowly loosing bounce*
I won't be pushed around*dose the no gesture with his hands *
I won't be backing down
Not doing what you say
I'll never change my ways
Get out of my face

Hey!* jump and back to full bounce *
I'm doing things exactly like I want to
What part of that that don't understand?
And I don't give a damn if you don't approve
What part of that that don't you understand?

What part of that that don't you understand?
(Not doing what you say, I'll never change my ways)
What part of that that don't you understand?

Izuku stops bouncing fixes his mop of green hair that's been flopping everywhere  right before putting the mic up
"Sorry mom  but you know these 67 proton looking"  a couple of science people laughed
"missing chromosomes fuckers deserved it "

"Well im Izuku Midorya and i feel sorry for your asses becuase take a look from under you seats "

The crowd except the midorya support  fam grab the bag under their seats
"Now i i would be carful now because if you turn it on  it'll tell someone you know the worst thing you could tell them "

A buch of cocky little people and people who dont believe the broccoli emo turned it on

A lady gets up not that well looking but grabs her teo kids and one of them is one of the kids that tormented me 
"You cheated on me with Agatha  realy Richard you lying ass bitch fuck you go sleep in hotel were getting a divorce "
Someones  husband yelled" agatha  you  cheeted on me with richard he's almost as much as a peace of lard as you are fuck you same with the divorce fuck off"
Chaos ensued as people yelled and  others bribed and being peer pressure d into turning theirs on
As the midorya fam walk out laughing and separating ways as one ravens cousin has found out that the raven has an attraction to the green headed boy and their same color ropes both got stronger and looked like they got slightly pulled together when one moves

Sorry for  the really slow update but this has been a pain writing ive did the  song and him singing like 15 times  but peace

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