Meeting You, Meeting Them

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Upon waking up you felt big comfortable arms engulfing me. Carefully opening your eyes come to see a mans face. Feeling confused you look around to see 6 more pair of eyes looking at me. With a weary feeling you cautiously apologize.

"You're fine. Uhm, how old are you?" One of the guys spoke. "Oh, uhm they said I'm five" you held out five fingers opposite to your injured hand.

"What's your name?" Another asked. "Brat, or You." You blinked as his mouth slowly opens. "Ah, where's your mom and dad?" The male holding you gently speaks.

"Home. But I don't want to go home!"

"But they're probably looking for you." The pale male scratches the back of his ear.

"I don't want to."

"Hyung, can't she just stay for tonight? It's getting dark. A night won't hurt."

"That does not look to on our part." He seriously stares at the other.

"But she doesn't seem to be in the right condition."

"Should we take her to the hospital?"

They continued to converse amongst themselves.

Yawning, you felt a pat on your head. " I guess she'll stay for today, just for her safety."

"Alright." One of the three speaks as they were about to head out of the living area.

"Yah wait, at least respect our guest and introduce yourselves." The one holding you says emphasizing each word.

"Oh right. My bad" they stop by the door.

"Quick and short. My name is Jimin. Nice to meet you." He saluted with two fingers and leaves.

"Yah Jiminah." He cuts himself off, "Nevermind him, I'm Namjoon. It's very nice to meet you, uhm." He slowly stops. "What do you want to be called?"

"Me? Oh uhm, I dunno."

"Do you want us to give you a name?"

"My name is Jungkook, hyung I paused my game, my computer will turn off!" He complains and leaves.

"Y/n." The last guy by the door crosses his arms.


"Her name, she looks like a Y/n. I like that name. Oh yeah, my name is Taehyung. If you need me call for my name." He boxy smiles. "Yah Jungkook, I want to join!" And makes a run for it.

"I guess for now that'll be your name. For the time being, and maybe if you like the name. Then that will be your name." The one holding you says propping you up on his lap.

"My Name is Seokjin, the one on the chair is Yoongi, and that one is Hoseok." Yoongi waves and Hoseok quietly observes you.

"Have you eaten?" Hoseok finally utters.

"Not yet."

"Hyung, she doesn't look healthy. She's pretty much bones." He flicks his head into a tilt.

"Jin hyung, why don't you go continue your cooking for dinner then. I'll turn on the TV to watch." Namjoon grabs the remote putting on a kid show. "I'm gonna go talk to Bang PD nim." And he leaves.

You're left with the two whom are named Yoongi and Hoseok. There's an awkward silence amongst the three of you. The two share glances at each other.

"You know when a kid doesn't want to go home, and they look like that, that usually means something," Yoongi looks you up and down in discomfort at the thought.

"Domestic abuse?" Hoseok asks softly, brushing his hair. He takes a second to think before coming up to sit next to you.

He warmly smiles at you. "So what do you want do?" You look up at him. And surprisingly you don't feel endangered at all.

"I don't know." You pout looking back at the TV.

He lightly takes your hand into his. You flinched and muttered an "ow." You look into his eyes in fear.

"Yah, what did you do," Yoongi concernedly looks at you.

"I-I didn't do anything. I held her arm gently." Hoseok stutters in guilt, afraid that he hurt you.

You flair your hands to Yoongi. "He didn't do anything bad to me. It's just my cut that hurts." You look at your hands in displeasure.

"What happened?" The man next to you gently asks.

"Appa dropped a glass and told me to pick it up as punishment for calling him appa. But mama maid helped my owie."

"Excuse me." Yoongi scoffs in disgust. "Your dad has a maid. But told you to pick it up." His eyes grow dark.

You look down, scared of his looks at the moment. "I'm sorry. Please don't be mad" you begin to tear up.

Hoseok looks at Yoongi, mouthing him to stop with his facial expression. He softens his face.

"Wait no sorry. My apologies." He scratches his head. He looks towards Hoseok, "just what kind of father tells their five year old daughter to pick up shreds of glass." He grows irritated at the thought again.

Hoseok wraps an arm around you in assurance that you're safe. You close your eyes tight afraid of the tight embrace.

"Please don't hurt me like appa and eomma. Don't hold me down and hurt me. It hurts."

Hoseok releases from you mouth slightly parting in shock.

"What the heck." Hoseok's face now grows in displease at your words.

"Can I stay here." There's no glow in your eyes, it's just dead as you say."

"Of course." Hoseok pats your head.

"Dinners ready!" Seokjin calls from the kitchen. He walks into the living room.
"Y/n, do you want em to carry you?"

You look at him confused. He looks at the others' faces. Somethings not right. He carefully carries you up at you look at him. "Tell me later." He tells the two before heading to the dining room.

He places you on the chair, but you get off to sit in the corner of the room.

The rest are coming in, and Seokjin questions you, "Y/n what are you doing? Come and eat." He softly says not wanting to scare the fragile child.

"But eomma and appa say I don't deserve to eat. And I should wait in corner of room for leftovers. If no more then no more." You play with the hem of your shirt.

"What the fu." Yoongi is about to curse when Seokjin covers his mouth. The rest awkwardly sit on the table, in silence after hearing your words.

Seokjin walks towards you and Carie's you to sit on his lap.

"What they said is wrong. You should always eat when you hear the sound of your stomach. Okay?" You nod your head.

The whole time, there was just silence and chopsticks clanking the plates. Seokjin continue to feed you, occasionally feeding himself as you were in the process of chewing.

It's very uncomfortable to be in a house that you're not used to. You enjoyed the food, never would you have thought to have eaten such a good meal.

It's already night and you're lying on the living room floor. Your eyes getting heavy, wanting to close but you force yourself to keep them open.

You hear footsteps.

"Y/n, what are you doing?" Taehyung chuckles. "Just go sleep if you're tired. Come sleep in my room." He comes closer to you, squatting at your level. You say an okay, getting up and follow him.

A pair of arms carry you. "Dumbo this is how you're supposed to take a child to bed." It was the man named Jungkook who carried you as he pushes your head onto his comfortable shoulders and you slowly fall asleep as he walks upstairs with Taehyung.

Adopted by BTS?! (Discontinued, will be remaking this story!)Where stories live. Discover now